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  • n.倾向;才能;适合性


appropriateness for the occasion
the phrase had considerable aptness
Synonym: appositeness
a disposition to behave in a certain way
the aptness of iron to rust
the propensity of disease to spread
Synonym: propensity


  1. The example is chosen solely for its aptness in illustrating the current pet theory of the critic .


  2. And his aptness for reform is another source of his legal thoughts .


  3. On the other hand , there had been an aptness of expression in the earlier Chinese arts .


  4. The reviewer admired the aptness of the author 's imagery .


  5. In engineering constructing , we have to reinforce the soft ground because of its lower carrying capacity and aptness to deform .


  6. We are conscious of our own aptness to err , and we feel the urgent need of a guide .


  7. These measures have pertinence and aptness to the problems of the development of the Shanghai International Tennis tournament , and have impetus to Shanghai International tennis tournament on rapid and stable development .


  8. And I was in the Sixth Standard when I left school , and they said I had great aptness , and should make a good teacher , so it was settled that I should be one .


  9. First , this part discusses the principle that should be complied with the regulations , including food security principle , the principle of legality , the principle of punishment and responsibility and the necessity and aptness principle .


  10. Peer education has some advantages of cultural aptness , acceptability and economy . It is feasible in theory to apply peer education in rural maternal health care , but a community intervention control trial is needed to test it .


  11. Then the danger present assessment of geological disaster and the danger forecast assessment of geological disaster which are based on laboring each factor have been made out . This research may provide a gist of aptness to the project constructions .


  12. Investigation on the Aptness for the Production of Free-damaged Agricultural Products in the Feng County ; The Farmland Potential Calculation in the Land Consolidation of Rural Habitat in Hilly and Mountainous Region & A case study of Fengdu County


  13. After classified the F2 individuals into several groups , the ratio of separation was found that nearly 9:6:1 . The accordant level of theoretic separated ratio and the practical separated ratio is higher than 95 % according to χ 2 aptness test .


  14. In macro-level , the ideal of vocational education curriculum is to perfectly achieve the social function of vocational education , the middle-level is to pursue curriculum model of modern vocational education , and the micro-level is to pursue personality and aptness development of individual .


  15. It was for herself that he loved Tess ; her soul , her heart , her substance - not for her skill in the dairy , her aptness as his scholar , and certainly not for her simple formal faith-professions .


  16. It cannot be limited in the reasonableness in economy , technology and the aptness in legal regulations , but need to look into the planning designed for the social conformity , to construct the making and deciding processes , and research the political reasonableness in the plan-fixing process .
