
  • v.解剖


dissect in order to analyze
anatomize the bodies of the victims of this strange disease
Synonym: anatomize


  1. Ureter stone was inlaid in anatomise physiological narrow place usually .


  2. Applied anatomise of the artery of finger tip


  3. Methods It based on the understand of pathology anatomise of secondary labionasal deformities after cleft lip repair .


  4. Result It can accurately display the jaw and face fracture anatomise and the relation with other parts with the spiral CT three dimension reconstruction .


  5. Anatomise the energy change of the oil zone and injection steam during soak period , the reasonable calculation formula to calculate the time of soaking is deduced .


  6. The most liability factor of aortic dissection is hypertension and structure abnormity of aortic medial layer . ( 5 ) anatomise abnormity ;


  7. Therefore , the thesis anatomise seven main factors of enterprise : brand product , brand culture , brand orientation , brand innovation , brand communication , brand protection , brand operation .


  8. The results of anatomise observation showed that the structure of most ovules was normal , and some developed to globular embryo , heart-shape embryo or torpedo embryo stage after fertilization .


  9. In this part , I anatomise and sum up the definitions of leisure and leisure education , and aim to people understand the leisure and leisure education correctly and attend to the humanistic development entirely .


  10. Clinic anatomise showed that whole viscus colour and lustre gray , ceroid , liver surface lucency , dropsy , but no extravasate appeared in carp fed diet lack of VE .


  11. The New Fashion Music is one of the musical phenomena that took place in China after Our Reform and Open-Door . This article will anatomise and discuss this special culture phenomenon in three aspects : 1 . the relationship between the New Fashion Music and populace ;


  12. The anatomise observation showed that structure of most ovules was abnormal , which included small embryo sac , female genitalia degeneration , embryo sac degeneration and ovule degeneration . Thus , the female was deep-sterile in No.115 line .


  13. Methods Fresh material gelatin filling , X ray photograph , Photoshop disposal technology were employed , and combined with manifold image disposal , such as transparency , splicing and scissoring , and local embalmment , subsection anatomise , and nerve yellow-dying to make sample design .
