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Aimee 's dad : Yeah . I would have never let go of her hand .
HOW ABOUT YOU ? Hi Aimee , Many thanks , and happy new year to you too
It is one crazy day for us , Aimee Stephens , marketing director , told me .
So what happened to Aimee ? I don 't know . She disappeared .
Aimee said the unbelievable coincidence just confirmed that she 'd found her soul mate .
Leading the search party for Aimee Bradley .
Aimee : Please stay with me .
Aimee 's body is at the bottom of the ravine with a cracked spine .
Instructor Aimee Richardson says the class is helping people in the nation 's capital deal with the stress of the long election season .
To their astonishment , they spotted Aimee with her family in the background - the photo was taken years before they met !
Cornwall , England 's Aimee Maiden and Nick Wheeler were just two people in love who were set to be married .
Aimee 's mom : If you didn 't believe for all those years that your son was still alive , none of us would be here now .
And she is a Patriots fanatic , Even though her fiance loves the Giants . Let 's hear it from Aimee and Kendyl .
Aimee Barnes , 33 , and Jakub Zielkiewicz , 31 , both work full time at the California Environmental Protection Agency and are the parents of Roman , 15 months .
F. Javier Gutierrez directs the third installment of the hit horror franchise , this time starring Johnny Galecki , Aimee Teegarden , Vincent D'Onofrio and Laura Wiggins .
They don 't have to bring everything home every night , Aimee Fournier , their English teacher , wrote . But a lot of kids don 't take much time at their lockers to sort out what they do need .
This is Aimee Mullins , who lost her lower limbs as a young child , and Hugh Herr , who 's a professor at MIT who lost his limbs in a climbing accident .
It was only when he showed his fiancee Aimee Maiden the photograph 20 years later that she pointed at the five-year-old in a swimsuit and shrieked in astonishment : Thats me !
It was only when he showed his fiancee Aimee Maiden the photograph 20 years later that she pointed at the five-year-old in a swimsuit and shrieked in astonishment : ' That 's me ! "
One welcome byproduct of road closures at Acadia during the 2013 government sequestration was the realization that the park was best seen on foot or vehicles , Aimee Beal Church , a communications coordinator at Friends of Acadia , a nonprofit , said .