- abbr.西部技术训练司令部(Western Technical Training Command)

According to the WTTC , China 's tourism exports - the revenues received from foreign visitors - were a fraction higher than this at $ 61bn .
2009-11-11 The World Travel Tourism Council ( WTTC ) announced on Monday ( Nov.9 ) that China will hold the10th Global Travel Tourism Summit in Beijing on May25-27,2010 .
According to the world travel and Tourism Council ( WTTC ) statistics , tourism industry has already exceeded the automobile industry , steel industry , electronic industry and agriculture has become the largest industry in the world .
Factoring in domestic travel within China , the travel and tourism sector accounted for just 7.9 per cent of gross domestic product in 2015 , the WTTC said , below the global figure of 9.8 per cent .
By the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2008 released from the World Travel and Tourism Council ( WTTC ) about 130 countries in the world . The paper select Egypt , South Africa , represented by seven countries in Africa for empirical research .
This essay analyses the most important activity of WTTC & Tourism Satellite Account and draws the conclusion that China should learn from the concepts and structure of WTTC 's Tourism Satellite Account , and that China should establish its own Tourism Satellite Account as soon as possible .
The WTTC reported " severe declines " in tourism revenues in 2015 in Macau ( down 32 per cent ) , South Korea ( down 10.2 per cent ) and Hong Kong ( off by 8.4 per cent ) , each of which are highly reliant on visitors from mainland China .