• 网络东盟自贸区;东盟自由贸易协议;东盟自由贸易协定;亚洲自由贸易区;东盟
  1. An Analysis of the Trade Policies of AFTA


  2. Transnational Management of Enterprises in Yunnan in AFTA


  3. Firstly , external economic threats accelerate the process of AFTA .


  4. The key points of economic co-operation is the realization of AFTA ;


  5. An Analysis of Resource Allocation , TOT and the Causes and Future of China 's Entry Into AFTA


  6. What are the background and causes of the proposition planned in AFTA ?


  7. Since its establishment in1992 , AFTA has been making great efforts in promoting trade and investment liberalization and facilitation .


  8. ASEAN refers to the ten countries founding the AFTA ( Association of South-East Asian Nations Free Trade Area ) .


  9. AFTA : The Development of the Intra-regional Trade and the Distribution of the Benefit A Comparative Study on Industrial Competition between China and AFTA


  10. On the background of economic globalization and regional economic integration , AFTA is a remarkable sub-regional trade arrangement which lies in Asia region .


  11. The second part narrates the process of carrying out the AFTA plan and the reasons of the AFTA plan being increased speedily .


  12. Starting from preferential trade arrangements and then marching towards economic community , the economic effects of ASEAN Free Trade Area ( AFTA ) has gradually come in sight .


  13. North American Free Trade Area is becoming stronger , and once the Whole American Free Trade Area is built , the competition between the EU and AFTA will be even more severe .


  14. Above all , the foundation of AFTA can build up the confidence of the investors , which will inevitably have a long and beneficial influence on ASEAN to attract foreign investment .


  15. And in response to the trend of globalization , ASEAN also forms a Free Trade Area ( AFTA ), in addition to fostering bilateral economic arrangements with strategic partners , such as China .


  16. Finally , reflecting on the AFTA experience and the relations between FDI , economic growth and economic integration , the dissertation provides several suggestions on how to use FDI better in deepening AEC construction .


  17. The AFTA plan has not greatly affected the gross and flow trend of China 's foreign trade . But it will put competition pressure on China 's export in the markets of USA , Japan and EU .


  18. Since it is China 's first regional free trade area ever established with other countries , while considering AFTA 's remarkable characteristics , China should foster a unique value orientation in handling ASEAN-involved civil and commercial legal relations .


  19. For over 30 years , the economic cooperation of the ASEAN countries has scored certain achievements , and especially the proposition planned in AFTA becomes the important watershed and turning point among evolution of regional economic cooperation in ASEAN .


  20. With emerge of ASEAN Free-Trade Area ( AFTA ) and acceleration of integration process between China and AFTA , there would be emerge countless opportunity in this unified market . The attraction of this unified market is needless to say .


  21. Kunming , as a provincial capital city , has the most convenient connection on the land with Southeast Asia in our China , has great advantage that the other domestic cities have not in the process of construction of Sino - AFTA and Great - Mekong subregion .
