United States Marines

美 [juˈnaɪtɪd steɪts məˈrinz]英 [juˈnaɪtɪd steɪts məˈriːnz]
  • 网络美国海军陆战队
United States MarinesUnited States Marines
  1. United States marines ! If anyone can hear me , yell or tap !


  2. One week before the anniversary , United States Marines wound up training exercises for Georgian soldiers .


  3. Four United States Marines are now dead .


  4. I care that this S.O.B. killed four of our United States Marines .


  5. Of course , since they can 't go into a summer work camp , there 's always the United States Marines .


  6. Anderson : Men following the general , you 're under oath as United States Marines ! Have you forgotten that ?


  7. Iraqis cheer as United States Marines from Task Force Tarawa pass their home as the Marines move through central Iraq .


  8. This Land Is Our Land Hawaiian sovereignty advocates like Bumpy Kanahele say their country was stolen from them when Queen Liliuokalani surrendered to a squad of United States Marines in 1893 .


  9. Some of the bloodiest urban combat the United States Marines have ever faced took place in the Citadel during the 1968 Tet offensive , a battle depicted in Stanley Kubrick 's " Full Metal Jacket . "
