- abbr.水下回收异频雷达收发机/投掷装置;水下温度记录仪(Underwater Temperature Recorder);水下跟踪距离(Underwater Tracking Range)

The seem to the coding regions , the UTR of eukaryotic gene are also been spliced during gene transcription . However , these exons are not translated into protein during gene translation .
Probable Existence of a Negative Regulation Region Within the 3 ′ UTR of Human Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase γ mRNA
Sequence Analysis of 3 ′ - UTR of Myostatin Gene in Domestic Goose
Bioinformatics Analysis on 5 ′ UTR of IGF-I Gene in Red Steppes
Phylogenetic Tree Analysis of UTR and Transmembrane Structure Prediction of Proteins of Genus Bymovirus
PCR-RFLP Analysis of 3 ' - UTR of myogenin Gene in Pigs
The research on method for splice sites identification in eukaryotic gene untranslated coding regions ( UTR ) .
Sequence and Polymorphism Analysis of Porcine Hormone-sensitive Lipase Gene 5 ′ - UTR and Exon ⅰ
The probes , 27 for 5 ′ UTR and 9 for C region , were designed in accordance with the data of sequence analysis .
Enhancing hGH Expression Level in Insect Cells by Shortening the 5 ′ - UTR of hGH cDNA
A Pilot Study on the Influence of HCV 5 ′ UTR and 3 ′ UTR on RNA Replication
The phylogenetic tree based on the sequences of 3 ′ UTR is not the same as that based on the complete sequences .
Cloning and Sequencing of 5 ′ UTR of Enterovirus from Patients with HFMD in Shenzhen
That the inactivation of some antioncogenes came from the structural changes of their 3 ′ UTR ;
It has been found that the 3 ′ UTR is involved in regulation of function of known oncogenes and antioncogenes ;
The 3 ′ UTR sequence cannot be used for HEV genotyping for all HEV strains in place of the whole HEV genome sequence .
The nucleotide diversity value in the 3 ′ UTR was highest , lower in intron , the lowest in extron .
The relationship of trinucleotide repeat sequence length polymorphism in 5 ' - utr of gstm_1 gene and genetic susceptibility to primary hepatocellular carcinoma
Simultaneous detection of polymorphisms in the 3 ' - and 5 ' - UTR of thymidylate synthase gene using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography
In recent years the research on the roles of eukaryotic mRNA 3 ′ UTR in suppression of malignant phenotype of tumor cells has achieved very exciting advances .
Objective : To analyze the partial sequences of 5 ′ UTR of Enterovirus from Patients with Hand Foot Mouth Disease ( HFMD ) in Shenzhen .
Objective : To investigate the C / T polymorphism in the 5 ′ - untranslated region ( UTR ) of the CD40 gene and its relationship with Graves'disease .
Results Seven SNPs in the exons , introns and 3 ′ untranslated region ( 3 ′ UTR ) of TGF β 3 gene were identified .
Objective ; To construct a promoter identifying plasmid with GFP as reporter gene , and then identify the promoter activity of HCV 5 ' - UTR with this construct .
The phylogenetic tree constructed by 3 ′ - UTR of Myostatin genes in these 13 species shows that 3 ′ - UTR sequence can offer certain information for animal 's evolution .
VPg is served as the primer of duplication . One of researching focus is the study on Poly ( C ) and IRES in 5 ′ - UTR .
Results TTV DNA was identified by UTR PCR in 98.3 % of 22 7 volunteer blood donors , in 100 % both of 60 chronic hepatitis B patients and 80 chronic hepatitis C patients .
Conclusion : The T / G polymorphism at position 3804 in 3 ′ - UTR of Fc receptor gene is rare in populations of southern China and this polymorphism has no relationship with SLE .
A new framework , named Information Entropy Model of Sliding Window ( IEMSW ), was proposed to effectively analyze the structural information contained in the 3 ' - UTR sequences around the polyadenylation site . 3 .
Methods Genomic DNA was extracted from 368 healthy Chinese Han subjects , genotypes of the SNPs in Fc α R1 gene 5 ' - UTR and promoter region were determined by PCR and direct sequencing .