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  • 网络对称数字用户线路;对称数字用户线;单线数字用户环路;对称数字用户环线;单线数字用户线
  1. Application of SDSL is experiencing a stage of rapid evolution .


  2. The technique of the Single - line Digital Subscriber Line ( SDSL ) is a new method that realizes high bit rate data transmission on common telephone lines .


  3. Site-directed spin labeling ( SDSL ) combined with electron paramagnetic resonance ( EPR ) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for detecting structure of proteins .


  4. Also , the paper offers the hardware illustration of SDSL modem , the implemental method of some relevant software , and the voice signal encapsulation transmission issue adopting the real-time transmission protocol .


  5. Hardware part consists of parameter gathering and processing module , SDSL communication module , serial communication module , intrinsical security power source module , network switch module and embedded intrinsical security computer module .


  6. In HDSL ( High bit-rate DSL ) and SDSL ( Symmetric DSL ) the data stream is symmetric ; that is , the upstream and downstream rates are the same .


  7. The DSL 's technology at present has many kinds , among which the SDSL is quick speed , and the upstream is identical as downstream speed , and especially is fit for in up and down volume of flow average person user .
