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  • abbr.通过实例进行询问(Query-By-Example)
  1. This paper introduces the development of database languages from QBE to VQL .


  2. This paper proposes an indexing algorithm of clustering which supports QBE image retrieval for large image databases .


  3. Based on this , the gramma and the implementation method of query language QBE are presented .


  4. Realization of domain relational figure language QBE


  5. For queries , this grid was formerly known as the QBE grid .


  6. This also points out a limitation of the QBE approach & zero cannot effectively be used as a value to search on .


  7. I demonstrated data retrieval using db4o 's QBE engine last time , but I 'll quickly recap here .


  8. The notion of a primary key that is application-specific is worth keeping around , even though not inherent to QBE .


  9. Because QBE uses a prototype object as its template to search for data , there are a few simple rules regarding its usage .


  10. A QBE approach would fail pretty badly for these types of queries because QBE does equality matches , not comparison .


  11. According to the rule of aging deformation of beryllium bronze , the step ageing process of QBe 1.9 alloy diaphragm has been studied .


  12. And so did the troubled Australian insurer QBE that , largely owing to problems within US businesses that it acquired , issued a massive profit warning earlier this month .


  13. The most difference between this QBE language and traditional QBE languages is that in the query result views , there are not only data , but also information of the related graphics , images and other media .


  14. Finally , some content based query interfaces and manipulation modes efficiently implemented in CDB , including QBE , query by subjectively dominated colors , SQL extension with content based retrieval , video summarization and browsing , are presented respectively .


  15. If the object being retrieved ( either through a QBE or native query ) holds a number of object references , and if each of those objects holds a number of object references , and so on , and so on .
