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  1. The population density in urban areas is 588 people / km2 .


  2. The average population density is 29 people per km2 ( 69 people per square mile ) .


  3. Density of gully in this area is so high that it can reach 20km / km2 ;


  4. As the third largest freshwater lake in China , Taihu Lake is characterized by its large surface area ( 2338 km2 ) .


  5. The total land area given to Honduras from El Salvador after the court 's ruling was around 374.5 km2 .


  6. / km2 and 9.33 ind. / km2 respectively in breeding season and non - breeding season .


  7. Also , the modulus of erosion in agricultural land was calculated by using a new model , being 11 570t / ( km2 . a )


  8. The intensity of erosion is medium and mean erosion modulus is 238O t / ( km2 · a ) .


  9. And the increase of 10 000 m3 / km2 in the DRCA can increase 10 % .


  10. The results shows : 1 ) The estimate means is reasonable , and the average erosion modulus is 315 . 06 t / ( km2 · a ) .


  11. Mumbwa is a rural district with an area of23000 km2 and a population of167000 .


  12. The territory of Estonia covers 45227 km2 ( 17462 sq mi ) and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate .


  13. The density is 2.75 individuals / km2 in the primitive forests , and 0.75 individuals / km2 in the artificial and renewal forest by nature .


  14. Taihu Lake , the third largest freshwater lake in China , has an area of2,425 km2 and lies at the juncture of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces .


  15. The DRCA should be more than 60 000 m3 / km2 if the sediment reduction effect of the comprehensive watershed control of soil and water conservation achieves 20 % .


  16. The maximal soil erosion module is 2 960.22 t / ( km2 · a ) . Degradation serious meadow areas average erosion module is 2.23 times the degradation of the weaker areas .


  17. The soil erosion modulus between vegetation types was prominence ( p0.01 ), and the mean erosion modulus was 45.88t / km2 · a , belong to slight erosion .


  18. Stretching over nearly 2m km2 , and with a history that goes back to the Aztecs and ancient Mayans , Mexico is a place of endless fascination .


  19. In the areas with high and coarse sediment yield of middle reaches of Yellow River , if the sediment reduction effect reaches 40 % , the DRCA should excess 160 000 m3 / km2 .


  20. In the north of Shaanxi , the sediment reduction is mainly attributed to the dam and reservoir engineering , the DRCA of 50 000 m3 / km2 can increase 10 % in trap efficiency ;


  21. The result indicated there were significant effects of different fertilizer application on the plantlets . 37 500 kg / km2 ~ 60 000 kg / km2 of organic fertilizer was the appropriate application in the plantlet cultivation .


  22. In this study , two batches of vaccine-made eggs taken from Shanxi Bio-products company , which are suspiciously contaminated by Mycoplasma , were detected by KM2 media and Giemsa 's staining .


  23. The runoff amount of herbage vegetation was 1248m3 / km2 per year , while shrub and arbor vegetation were 843 m3 / km2 and 2079 m3 / km2 , respectively .


  24. The basin has coalbed methane resources of 358 78 billion m3 with an average abundance of 429 ? million m3 / km2 . Therefore , prospects for exploration and development of coalbed methane in the basin are bright .


  25. Given the reliability at 90 % and estimation precision at 90 . 52 % , the estimation of soil erosion intensity was 1715 . 14 t / km2 , with its estimation error at 162 . 595 t / km2 .


  26. It was found to have a monthly mean biomass of 222 . 21 kg / km2 , representing 27 . 22 % of the monthly total biomass of necton in that area and making it become a dominant species .


  27. The results show that the in-place CBM resources and the resources abundance in Pingdingshan coalfield are about 786.8 × 108 m3 and 1.05 × 108 m3 / km2 respectively , which are very favorable for CBM exploration and development .


  28. The method trial has defined the sampling density for soil survey as 4 - 12 spot / km2 . The grain size for samples is in the range of 4 to 80 per inch . The eluvium is the favorable layer for sampling .


  29. Bali ( BaLi ) Indonesia is a popular tourist region , is small east Java in the Sunda Islands , is an island with an area of about more than 5560 km2 , a population of about 2.8 million .


  30. This organic matter is considered as poor-rather good quality . The potential index of source rocks indicates that the hydrocarbon-generating density is rather low , and the expectation value is 2.084 × 106 t / km2 ( equal to 2.1 in SPI ) .
