- 网络让-皮埃尔;让·皮埃尔;尚皮耶

Course in Arithmetic by Jean-Pierre Serre reflects this usage , as do such phrases as first order arithmetic or arithmetical algebraic geometry .
Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne , " Two Days , One Night "
Jean-Pierre de Margerie is the World Food Program 's country director for North Korea .
Hidden behind dark sunglasses , Jean-Pierre Rebete follows his target into a narrow Paris alley .
Wolfowitz and Michel also met with Jean-Pierre Bemba , the main contender during the recent election .
Jean-Pierre Raffarin has maintained close ties with China following his tenure as French Prime Minister from 2002 to 2005 .
One promising approach was outlined last year by a team at the Tyndall National Institute in Ireland , led by Jean-Pierre Colinge .
" This is no laughing matter ," Jean-Pierre Delord , the mayor , told The Daily Telegraph .
It looks good in the movies-but does not happen in real life , according to Jean-Pierre Jouanny , an expert in Interpol 's stolen art section .
French balloonist Jean-Pierre Blanchard and American doctor John Jeffries took off from Dover Castle in a hydrogen balloon on January 7th , 1785 .
" Withdrawing into oneself is absurd ," right-leaning former Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin said in a recent interview with the French weekly JJD .
Jean-Pierre Raffarin says while the Belt and Road is a useful tool to help bolster China 's ties with France , the initiative isn 't the only way to link the two nations .
She married Jean-Pierre Meyers , the grandson of a rabbi killed at Auschwitz , adopted her husband 's religion and raised her sons in Judaism .
The so-called emerging economies , even some like Bangladesh , are undoubtedly players on the global stage , said Jean-Pierre Lehmann , professor of political economy at the IMD management school in Lausanne , Switzerland .
The United Nation 's World Food Program warned Wednesday " time is running out " to avert a " humanitarian food crisis . " Jean-Pierre de Margerie is the WFP 's representative in Pyongyang .
Antoine Doinel was played by Jean-Pierre Leaud , who has a kind of solemn detachment , as if his heart had suffered obscure wounds long before the film began .
The intricately ( 4 ) decorated blade is32 inches in length and curves gently & an inspiration Napoleon drew from his Egyptian campaign , auctioneer Jean-Pierre Osenat said .
" This is a new problem for China , which is now fighting on two fronts in its foreign policy on this issue , " said Jean-Pierre Cabestan , head of government and international studies at Hong Kong Baptist University .
Figures are hard to come by but Jean-Pierre chanteau , a French researcher , estimates that fewer than 1 per cent of companies have moved production abroad and that under 10 per cent of those have come back home .
The first chapter , the main social basis of the film from Johnnie To , chivalrous spirit of traditional Chinese heritage and the French director Jean-Pierre Melville gangster film three aspects of inheritance , to explain Johnnie Black Style .
Tense sequences of undercover operations are reminiscent of those in Jean-Pierre Melville 's " Army of Shadows , " while moments of explosive violence have a " Godfather " - like immediacy .
The ceremony included a brief tribute to Jean-Pierre L é aud , the screen immortal who played Antoine Doinel for Fran ç ois Truffaut , beginning with " The 400 Blows " ;
But his44.8 % of the vote was not enough to win in the first round , so he will have to face Jean-Pierre bemba , a former ugandan-backed rebel and one of congo 's four current vice-presidents , in a run-off in october .
She was apparently strangled by her scarf.The incident , which has been deemed an accident by Montreal police , occurred at 9:15 a.m. at the station on the corner of Jean Talon Street East and Fabre Street in the Villeray district , said Constable Jean-Pierre Brabant .
This year 's Nobel laureates include Professor David Thouless , Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz in physics , Professor Jean-Pierre Sauvage , Sir Fraser Stoddart and Bernard Feringa in chemistry , Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi in medicine , and Professor Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom in economic sciences .