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  • n.费马(已裂变原子数与初始的总装料金属原子数之比)
  1. These results indicate that FimA is an important virulence factor .


  2. The Effect and Law Regulation of FIMA about State-owned Enterprises in Liaoning Province


  3. Results The nucleotide sequences of fimA gene from the six strains were absolutely same .


  4. The distribution of fimA genotype in periodontitis patients was detected by PCR . Development of leakage water detector


  5. It clearly gives concrete definitions of Foreign Capital , M & A and the law regulation of FIMA .


  6. Objective To explore the ultrastructural properties associated with pathogenicity of different fimA genotype P.gingivalis .


  7. Objective To investigate the distribution of fimA genotype of P. gingivalis in chronic periodontitis patients .


  8. Cloning and sequencing analysis of fimA gene from porphyromonas gingivalis


  9. Cloning Sequencing and Expression of FimA of Type 1 Pili on Avian Escherichia coli Isolates


  10. Igor and Fima continued by discussing how it works


  11. FIMA has great advantages in boosting reform of state-owned enterprises , reducing repetitive construction , and getting social security funds and other things .


  12. These results suggest that the difference of P.gingivalis fimA may result in the different ability of destruct the epithelial barrier .


  13. It is necessary to regulate Foreign Investors ' Merger and Acquisition ( FIMA ) in order to protect foreign investors and the state .


  14. Cloning and Sequence Analysis to Fimbrial Subunit Gene ( fimA ) of Edwardsiella tarda


  15. The measured burnup was about 5 % fima and the irradiation temperature was 400 ~ 500 ℃ .


  16. How to set the aim of regulating the foreign investor merger and acquisition ( FIMA ) is a problem in practice and theory to be solved .


  17. Nasal Immunization with Co-expression Plasmid Harboring Genes Encoding Porphyromonas gingivalis FimA and Human Interleukin-15 in Mice


  18. The distribution of fimA genotype in periodontitis patients was detected by PCR . Distributive Pattern of Mast Cells in Mammary Gland of Nonpregnant Dairy Cow


  19. FIMA ( Foreign Investors ' Merger and Acquisition ) is the need of our opening-up and our strategic choice to reform , reorganize , remake our state-owned economy .


  20. CONCLUSION : P.gingivalis FimA interacts with surface protein of B.forsythus , and the inter-bacterial binding mechanism between them may be lectin-carbohydrate .


  21. The distribution of fimA genotype in periodontitis patients was detected by PCR . So when wo are dealing with the population information system , wo define the typical hierarchical distributing model for it .


  22. Methods Different fimA genotype P.gingivalis strains cultured from subgingival plaque samples and detected by fimA type-specific PCR were selected , then the cells were observed under transmission electron microscope by ultrathin section .


  23. Chapter 9 sets the goals and principles of regulating FIMA , offers the choices of strategies and suggestions on the policies in government regulation under the particular background , discusses related questions in the practice of FIMA in China .


  24. But it also brings about a series of problems , such as pushing out our national companies , resulting in financial risks , and even harming national economic security , which are rooted in the monopoly resulted from the activities of FIMA .


  25. The distribution of thickness and speed of liquid film along the tube is calculated by these models , and the results indicate that conductive resistance of liquid film can be neglected in the model . The distribution of fimA genotype in periodontitis patients was detected by PCR .
