- adj.最远的

They are major come from Hunan , Hubei , Jiangxi and Henan , going to farthermost place is Guangdong .
This is expected issue , because the heart is medium , the7th kind of feeling already told me , that farthermost star child also heard .
Be in China , farthermost from the sea place is big northwest .
The record features of SKKS phase and its application in depth determination of farthermost earthquakes
These are usually located farthermost from the stage , where you can 't see anything without the help of a pair of binoculars .
Science can kill as well as create ; technology can deaden the human spirit or lift it to the farthermost corners of our imaginations .
You don 't need to know if Snape is in the farthermost point of the castle , but you would certainly like to know if he was near by .
Had traveled to the farthest frontier ; don 't go beyond the farthermost ( or furthermost ) tree ; explored the furthest reaches of space ; the utmost tip of the peninsula .
Having been tested by seismic examples , the depths obtained from SKKS phase are relatively accurate and this method is a powerful tool for obtaining the depths of farthermost earthquakes accurately from SKKS phase and improving the quality of single station month report of Yinchuan Station .