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  • abbr.先进后出法(First-in, Last out)



  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT (希腊传统的)千层油酥点心
    Filo or filo pastry is a type of light pastry made of thin layers. It is traditionally used in Greek cooking.

  1. Take a sheet of filo pastry and brush it with melted butter .


  2. Another bid came from an unnamed group that asked Yahoo co-founder David Filo to consider financing its bid .


  3. According to the present situation , we introduce a new method that makes use of high-speed RAMs in constructing FIFO or FILO buffer stack .


  4. We saw the Filo being made , rolled out , then pulled gently , getting thinner and thinner until almost transparent .


  5. His first instinct as chief executive was to revive the company that he co-founded with David Filo at Stanford University in 1994 .


  6. The details of the negotiations that have come to light reveal that Yang and Filo had accepted they had to sell their company at a price that would give value to shareholders .


  7. It takes a female elephant 22 months to gestate a calf , Mr. Carlson writes . Filo and Yang made their first $ 100 million in less than half that time .


  8. Yahoo looked an odd brand at first - though co-founders Jerry Yang and David Filo 's original name " Jerry 's Guide to the World Wide Web " was never going to last .


  9. Before it became known as Yahoo , it was called David and Jerry 's Guide to the World Wide Web , after the company 's founders , David Filo and Jerry Yang .


  10. The former deal would let Yang and fellow co-founder David Filo retain their equity stakes , and Yang would get to keep his board seat ( and most of his hand-picked directors ) .
