- n.恩格尔

The Application Deficiency and its Reason of Engle Coefficient in China
Evolution of Industrial Structure and the Engle Law
Nowadays Engle Coefficient cannot reflect exactly the standard of living of our country .
Applying and Modifying Research on Engle Coefficient
The partially linear model originated from Engle .
The Reasons Why Engle Coefficient Dropped So Quickly
Therefore , Engle firstly established ARCH model in 1982 , and introduced it into the calculation of VaR value .
Statistical Analysis on Engle Coefficient
On Marx and Engle 's Thought of the Man-and-Nature Relationship and Its Contemporary Value
We examined the existence of cointegration during the period of 2000-2009 using Engle and Granger co integration test .
Engle and Lenin first put up the concepts of Semi - Colony and Semi - Feudalism .
Utilizing Engle and Granger ( 1987 ) two-step co-integration analysis , Renminbi equilibrium real exchange rate co-integration equation is worked out .
Then , the relevant data indicate , that the Engle 's coefficient of Shenzhen is declining and the housing payout is increasing rapidly .
The developing process of PRED system in Xinjiang Minfeng country was discussed combining GNP ( Gross National Product ), total population , Engle coefficient and other factors .
Earlier this week , Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Engle joined fellow prize winner Paul Krugman in building the case for rapidly rising prices .
They were released by Engle and Taylor in 1982 and 1986 . This is the largest impact and one of the landmark work in the development process of financial metrology .
The CAViaR model , Conditional Autoregressive Value-at-Risk , introduced by Engle andManganelli ( 1999 ) is a typical example of the argument .
Engle , Granger , Rice and Weiss ( 1986 ) were among the first to consider the partially linear model , when they analyzed the relationship between temperature and electricity usage .
In this paper the definitions of approach angle , departure engle and ramp angle of a motor vehicle defined by Japan Automobile Standardization Organization ( JASO ) are presented .
The Engle 's coefficient were decreased 3.56 % after the returning land for farming to forestry in 2004.It showed that the life level of peasant had been improved by the project .
In order to allow the mean value of returns to depend upon volatility in the market , Engle , Lilien and Robins ( 1987 ) introduced the GARCH-M models .
The paper first expounds Marx and Engle 's Thought of the relationship between Man and Nature : as a compositional part , Man belongs to Nature ; during the material exchange , Man must obey natural laws ;
It verified that the structure of benthic functional groups is synthetical reflection of habitat gradient in the intertidal zone and fluctuation of natural environmental factors ( Engle & Summers , 1999 ) .
An Traditional tool for empirical analysis of the relation between futures and stock index is cointegration introduced by Engle and Granger . The concept of cointegration means integrated series for which a linear combination exists that is stationary .
This article researches the trends and limitations of Engle Law based on the analysis on different production developing stages and process of evolution of industrial structure , so as to correctly distinguish whether some places have reached the (" Well-to-do ") level or not .
Engle Law is a synthetical index to describe economic developing level . It has quite intimate relations with social economic development level and the evolution of industrial structure , as well as a key index to judge the level of a " Well-to-do " society .
In 1982 , Engle , a famous professor , proposed the ARCH model , which is a dynamic and non - linear time series model , reflecting the particular and uncertainty relationship of eco - nomic variables : the variance changes over time .
The Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic ( ARCH ) class of models for conditional variances was put forward by Engle ( 1982 ) proved to be extremely useful for analyzing economic time series . GARCH models have been developed to account for empirical regularities in financial data .
G. Marx and Engle 's thought of globalization is a theoretical key to the interpretation of the problems of globalization and socialism , and on this basis focus is on the discussion of the historical outcome of E. G and contemporary socialism and on the orientation of contemporary socialism .