- n.外显子;基因外区

Sequencing and sequence analysis showed that T-DNA inserted into the reverse second extron of homeodomain transcription factor gene .
The results indicated , 2 polymorphic locus are discovered , which located at extron 1 and intron 2 respectively .
The nucleotide diversity value in the 3 ′ UTR was highest , lower in intron , the lowest in extron .
In high organism , the length of intron is much longer than that of extron , and most of random mutation happened in intron .
The cDNA of DCN extron , was composed of 1080 bp of nucleotides and encoded a core protein of 395 amino acids .
The second primer , arbitrary primer , is an arbitrary sequence with either an AT - or GC-rich core to anneal with an intron or extron , respectively .
Conclusion The reduction of SBP was significantly greater in patients with the G allele , suggesting that the 1098 A / G polymorphism of human bradykinin B1 receptor extron was possibly related to the response to ACEI in essential hypertensive patients .