Economic Forms

美 [ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪk fɔːrmz]英 [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk fɔːmz]
  • 网络经济形态
Economic FormsEconomic Forms
  1. Economic Forms and Professional Education


  2. The first part describes the system of Jin and economic forms and liturgical formation .


  3. Core driven power of the two new economic forms is ecological productivity .


  4. Rural Reform : Developing New Economic Forms according to Farmers ' Willingness


  5. In recent years , rural tourism is rapidly growing peri-urban areas of economic forms .


  6. It gets its chance of development on equal footing since 1993 with other economic forms .


  7. Administrative regional economy is an economic forms which relying on the administrative regional planning to promote the development .


  8. In a society where free competition among different economic forms proceeds , the falling market is a common phenomenon .


  9. The same as other economic forms , the risk of creative economy can be divided into different types according to different standards .


  10. Three economic forms and three social roles put forward different demands to ensure the scientific and normative development of SDIS .


  11. As humankind struggles toward a new form of social independence and freedom new government and economic forms will manifest .


  12. Generally speaking , the economy of agriculture , industry and knowledge are in turn three alternative economic forms in Man 's history .


  13. It is emerging regional economic forms for airport economic zones , and it has already caused scholars concerning on its economic effects .


  14. Capital , historically , is not a particular historical sphere but something commonly existing in different economic forms in human history of development stage .


  15. Considering the complex international and domestic political and economic forms , it is extremely urgent for us to study the risk management of construction engineering projects further .


  16. Different economic forms corresponding professional educational forms and layers in the countries with different economic types . Our country is an economic country with industry and agriculture co-existing .


  17. The Small-scale Peasant Economy holds a leading role among the various economic forms and plays an important part in exploiting family labor force and achieving comparatively higher output .


  18. The Western European serfdom is one kind of economic forms in Western European feudal society , and it was suitable for the self-sufficient manorial economy .


  19. It differs from former economic forms , in the experience economy , the sensitive faculty need of consumer is more outstanding , and the characteristic request is more obvious .


  20. Thanks to the development of the modern society , cultural economy has become one of the most important economic forms in the economic structure as well as one of the most significant factors for the national economy .


  21. Although the three economic forms coexist in each country of today 's world , due to their different emphasis , they can be categorized into five types of countries with different economic forms .


  22. As a provincial research institution of standardization , Shandong Institute of Standardization ( SDIS ) includes three economic forms after more than thirty years of development , which are institution , corporate entities and associations .


  23. The theory is upheld to two angles from theory and practice by the process of economic forms , the gradual replacement of planned economy with market economy , and the success or loses of the economic reforms in China and Russia .


  24. The characteristic of raising milk cow in agriculture area is that it make family farming as the subject , based on consolidation of nation , collective and individual , various ownership systems and economic forms exist in together in this kind of productive system .


  25. Encouraging , supporting and supervising the development of non - state e-conomy not only show the necessity of that the socialist state sector occupies the leading position in the national economy and different economic forms maintain , but also push forward the strategic withdrawal of state capital .


  26. The certain system of economic competition forms corresponding social moral .


  27. Game Theory Analysis on the Economic Organization Forms in the Process of Agriculture Industrialization


  28. And diversified economic realization forms of Chinese urban land ownership are studied .


  29. Certain economic structure forms certain space for economic growth , thus restricting economic growth ;


  30. Different cooperative economic organization forms in the course of agricultural industrialization indicate different degrees that market allocates to agricultural resources .
