- n.聚伞花序

The inflorescence of Potentilla cryptotaeniae is corymbose cyme ; its color is mainly yellow , its flower diameter is from 3 to 3.8mm ; its florescence is from June 30th to September 10th ; its fruit period is from July 25th to October 5th .
Umbrella room type cyme , axil is born or the top is born , scattered , slue is spent .
The CHP harmonic program of power system is imported from CYME Co. of Canada .
With an increase in N fertilizer application , N absorption and content in the plants , and stem flowering percentage and number of florets per cyme significantly increased .
The ancestral inflorescence of the genus Tulipa is supposed to be more primitive drepanium than raceme which is deprived from cyme .
In Celastraceae , the evolution of inflorescence might show the following trend : dichasial cyme was the most fundamental inflorescence type , and the other inflorescence types could be evolved from it . 6 .
Centrifugal xylem differentiates from the center outwards , and a centrifugal inflorescence ( e.g. the dichasial cyme ) is one in which the progression of flower opening is from the center to the periphery .
This special small true fruit induced by duplicata phenomenon is an interim type of inflorescence between the monochasium and raceme cup shaped cyme . Distinguish the True from the False and Determination of the Contents for Fruit Juice
The new species is similar to Chirita eburnea Hance in its habit and leaf form , but differs by its nutant cyme , flavous corolla , anthers and staminodes white lanate at apex .