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  • 网络字符大对象;大对象;大字段;字符大型对象;字符数据
  1. Dynamic text elements are most often used to display CLOB data type values .


  2. Research of Optimum Query Technology on Clob Big Segment in Oracle Database


  3. The parameter type used for XML documents in all the stored procedures is CLOB .


  4. The above comparison shows the extreme impact of having a CLOB column , even a very short one .


  5. However , file system caching can help read operations on CLOB columns if no XML parsing is involved .


  6. This article compares its performance with that of character large object ( CLOB ) and shredded XML storage .


  7. The other common technique is to simply dump your XML document inside a CLOB column in the database .


  8. Inserting the same XML data into a CLOB column takes approximately half the time ( 53 % ) .


  9. Smart large objects consist of character large object ( CLOB ) and binary large object ( BLOB ) data types .


  10. All these technologies make a significant improvement in the speed of querying the big Clob field and satisfy the user 's needs .


  11. Gone are the days of storing XML data as a CLOB or shredding to relational tables .


  12. By the transaction technology , the problem of inserting CLOB data with large text into oracle database was solved with oracle client .


  13. Storing the Po as a CLOB allows you to use the DOM in the application code to retrieve the relevant information .


  14. The response time of querying the Clob field in a mass-data database is one of the key technologies influencing the database usage .


  15. An easy way to identify this problem is to temporarily use CLOB types , which have no size restrictions , as target columns .


  16. You 'll store the XML within the new Word format within the XML column rather than in a Character Large Object ( CLOB ) .


  17. This overhead does not exist when reading full XML documents from a CLOB where the XML is already stored in text form .


  18. You can choose to make the underlying storage a CLOB column , a VARCHAR column , or files within the file system .


  19. A fundamental difference between CLOB storage and pureXML processing lies in XML parsing and its significant impact on insert and query performance .


  20. The result of the function is returned as a CLOB ( Character Large Object ) data type that can hold up to1 MB of data .


  21. Only a blind full document retrieval , which again ignores the internal XML structure , can quickly read XML documents from CLOB columns .


  22. In summary , CLOB storage offers good performance for insert and full document retrieval , typically at the cost of poor search and extract performance .


  23. To assess the difference in query performance between XML and CLOB columns , five queries were designed to cover the following common search and retrieval cases


  24. The results are omitted because the relative performance difference between CLOB and pureXML storage was similar to the single-user tests shown above .


  25. As expected , the elapsed insert time for both CLOB and XML columns is approximately linear in the number of documents inserted .


  26. Another case is when you want to store a document in a database as a string or a Character Large Object ( CLOB ) without parsing it .


  27. All table spaces were defined with the no file system caching option , except where otherwise noted ( for some of the CLOB storage tests )


  28. XQuery over XML data in XML type columns can be40 times faster than corresponding queries over CLOB columns which require XML parsing at query time .


  29. You can see that pureXML queries can easily be20,30 or40 times faster than queries over XML in CLOB columns .


  30. Using character or binary large object ( CLOB or BLOB ) columns of tables to store the XML data intact in a relational database management system ( DBMS ) .
