- n.烧毁;燃耗;烧尽

Introduction to burn-up measurement method of nuclear fuel Viewing Credit from a New Perspective
Impact of Fuel Assemblies Burn-Up on Core Fission Neutron Source Parameter
A dissolution method of sample for determining burn-up of power reactor fuel is described .
Non-destructive assay methods for the burn-up measurement of power reactor spent fuel assemblies
The Burn-up Fraction and Energy Gain of Inertial Confinement Fusion
Study on the deep burn-up fuel cycle of the pebble-bed gas-cooled fast reactor
Analysis of reasons causing burn-up of heavy-duty dumper motor
The principles , methods and equipments of burn-up measurement for power reactor spent fuel assembly using passive and active techniques are described .
Improving gradually fuel burn-up is one of the paths which can lower the expense on fuel cycle cost for light water reactor .
Cause analysis of lower burn-up ratio in anthracite firing boilers with W-shaped flame and twin-arch combustion
A modified acid-thorex process for reprocessing of high burn-up Th-U fuel has been developed .
The spatial and time-dependent density distribution of various nuclides ( actinides and fission products ) for burn-up process .
For reprocessing high burn-up fuel from HTGR , a single cycle process by solvent extraction with acid feed solution is suggested .
So the impact of fuel assemblies burn-up on core fission neutron source parameters shall be considered in the neutron transportation calculation .
Some important parameters ( coolant void reactivity , burn-up and etc. ) are calculated using the code WIMS-AECL .
A method for the nondestructive determination of fuel burn-up in Xian Pulse Reactor ( XAPR ) by gamma-ray spectroscopy is introduced .
The analysis shows that using single-drive instead of double-drive to the dumper is a correct way to prevent burn-up of the motor .
~ ( 101 ) Mo is an important radionuclide to determine the burn-up of nuclear fuels , but its half-life reference values had marked differences .
Distributing quality will effect directly allumage condition ; of charge level , consumption of coal gas and burn-up of solid , and will effect the quality of finished sintering ore product .
Hence , how to improve the corrosion resistance and reduce the amount of hydrogen uptake of the fuel cladding for high burn-up of fuel assemblies need to be further investigated .
Based on the quasi-laminar model of diffusion flame proposed by Burke and Schumann , the equation for expressing burn-up rate of gas within circular tube has been reported .
This paper mainly investigates the temperature distribution of pulverized coal flame in the wake of the bluff-body , the physical model of ignition and the burn-up behavior of pulverized coal .
The dimensions of U_3Si-Al and UO_2 - Al are stable under irradiation , but U-2 ( wt ) % Zr changed at maximum burn-up .
The results showed that the 300 MWt pebble bed GFR based on the deep burn-up concept could effectively raise the availability of the uranium resources and decrease the pile-up of minor actinide .
In this paper the theoretical calculation formulas for thermal neutron sensitivity and neutron sensitivity , the burn-up correction equations , and reduction formulas at different neutron temperature of rhodium self-powered in-core neutron detector are given .
The large pores , which resulted from the burn-up of sponge struts , were homogeneously distributed in the sample . The existence of these large pores introduced some local interruption of the lamellar structures .
When the reactor is operating , the variation of the burn-up of the fuel will cause vari-ation of the neutron flux , which can make the core power measured by the RPN nuclear power system deviate from the actual power .
The current development and tendency for fuel assemblies being of low leakage , high burn-up and long cycle fuel reload in the world are presented , and the necessity and feasibility to develop the spacer grid for high burn-up fuel assembly are elaborated .
So once the pebble is depleted a fresh pebble can be put it in or it can be re-circulated back in the reactor if its burn-up isn 't all used up or the fuel isn 't all used up .
Based on the " measured " neutron flux density distribution reconstructed by using harmonics synthesis method ( HSM ) from the readings of in-core neutron detectors and some necessary restrictions of core parameters , a procedure is proposed to calibrate the core parameters after burn-up .