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  • 网络第三范式
  1. There are 3NF ( third Normal Form ) scheme and star scheme for data warehouse dimensional modeling .


  2. The database strictly accord with the third normal form ( 3NF ), to ensure the database structure reasonable .


  3. On the aspect of Searching Mechanism , the system optimizes searching from database structures as well as searching algorithm : The design of database structures standardizes to 3NF ;


  4. Regardless of schema ( 3NF or Star ), the Teradata query optimizer relies on statistics to help it determine the best way to access data .


  5. All the tables in the database are normalized to a3rd Normal Form ( 3NF ), so we can start creating our database structure based on the above ERD .


  6. This paper introduces the theory of Normal Form in Database designing of Relation Mode , and proposes that resorting to BCNF & 3NF to design the structure of Table in Library Network Database having the optimized performance , which can process huge data with high speed .
