
  1. Net revenue at 360buy has soared from Rmb2.9bn in 2009 to Rmb21bn last year .


  2. 360buy , for example , offers same-day delivery ( depending on when the order is placed ) often via bike messenger .


  3. As of the end of 2011 , 360buy had nearly $ 1bn in cash , according to analysts it has briefed .


  4. But net losses more than doubled to over Rmb1bn last year , and 360buy does not expect to turn a profit until 2015 .


  5. Online retailers have recently waged a classic price war , making it difficult for even the biggest players , such as 360buy , to turn market share in Internet electronics retail into profits .


  6. The 360buy delivery system is so effective that by the end of the year , Liu is going to farm it out , allowing any company to use it for a fee & including e-commerce archrivals like Dangdang .


  7. While that plan , and a similar push by Alibaba , began as an attempt to deal with capacity bottlenecks and service quality shortcomings in the express delivery sector , 360buy now expects logistics to become an important driver of revenue .


  8. Shi Tao , a vice-president at Alibaba 's rival 360buy , which recently started an international business , says that keeping products in bulk in " offshore " warehouses and shipping them into developed markets piecemeal can lower costs , since lower import duties apply to shipments under ∈ 20 apiece .


  9. As a result , domestic and foreign rivals are having a hard time . This goes for purely online firms like DangDang ( which resembles Amazon ) and 360buy ( in which Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia recently invested ) and for high-street retailers fighting defensive battles online like Suning and Gome , two appliance giants .
