
  1. 齐向东表示,360公司软件每天为中国网民扫描约6000万木马程序。

    Our 360 Safe services are eliminating about 60 million Trojan horses daily for Chinese Internet users .

  2. 奇虎360公司一位赵姓发言人也否认了叫停抢票插件的说法。

    A spokesman for Qihoo 360 , who gave her name only as Zhao , also dismissed talk of a ban .

  3. 360公司总裁齐向东表示,腾讯的报复行为对中国互联网用户的影响是灾难性的,因为这一举动很有可能导致病毒大规模爆发。

    Qi Xiangdong , president of Qihoo 360 , said Tencent 's retaliatory move was disastrous for China 's Internet users , as it might lead to an unprecedented outbreak of viruses .

  4. 让360公司感到蹊跷的是,为什么像员工爆黑幕这样的帖子能够在一夜之间就覆盖了几百家论坛,而且总是能引发不可思议的回帖量。

    To360 companies are strange , why do employees explosion inside stories such as the post can be covered overnight hundreds of forums , and always be able to cause the amount of incredible Replies .

  5. 奇虎360科技公司董事长兼首席运营官周鸿祎16日在第三届世界互联网大会上对媒体表示,随着物联网和万物互联越来越流行,网络已经成为整个社会运行机制的基石。

    Zhou Hongyi , chairman and CEO of Qihoo 360 Technology Co , said to media during the third WIC Wednesday that with the popularity of internet of things ( IoT ) and internet of everything , internet has become the basis of the whole social operation .

  6. 一个显而易见也是迫在眉睫的危险来自网络后起之秀奇虎360科技有限公司(Qihoo360Technology)。

    The clear and present danger comes from online upstart Qihoo 360 Technology QIHU + 4.33 % .

  7. 国内互联网金融平台融360的子公司简普科技最近递交了IPO申请,计划募资2.72亿美元。

    Jianpu Technology Inc , a subsidiary of China 's online finance platform Rong360 , applied recently in the hope of raising $ 272 million .

  8. 百度(BaiduInc.)与后起之秀奇虎360科技有限公司(Qihoo360TechnologyInc.)之间的战争即将打响,从中可见它们在中国不断扩大的互联网搜索市场存在着多么重大的利害关系。

    A battle is emerging between Baidu Inc. and upstart Qihoo 360 Technology Inc. , underlining the high stakes in China 's growing Web-search market .

  9. 奇虎360科技有限公司(Qihoo360TechnologyCo.)首席财务长徐祚立周二在接受采访时说,奇虎360上周推出了自己的搜索引擎,目前正在将其设置为奇虎360网站和浏览器的默认搜索引擎。

    Qihoo 360 Technology Co. launched its own search engine last week and is in the process of making it the default on its website and browser , said Chief Financial Officer Alex Xu in a Tuesday interview .

  10. 昨日,中国市值最大的互联网公司腾讯控股有限公司起诉奇虎360科技有限公司破坏其开发的互联网聊天工具QQ的品牌和声誉。

    A suit in which Tencent Holdings Ltd , China 's largest Internet firm by market value , is suing Qihoo 360 Technology Co for damaging the brand and reputation of its Internet chatting tool QQ opened yesterday .

  11. 尽管百度在中国的搜索市场上占据主导地位,分析人士却说,奇虎360等小公司以及中国本土搜索服务提供商搜狐(Sohu.comInc.)有赢得广告收入的空间。搜索服务中的广告比社交网站等互联网其他领域的广告弹性更大。

    While Baidu dominates the market , analysts say there is room for small players like Qihoo and local search provider Sohu.com Inc. to win ad revenue , which is more resilient in search than other parts of the Internet , like social networking .

  12. 中国网络安全公司奇虎360科技有限公司在其博客中表示,该公司已发现344款受到XcodeGhost感染的应用。

    Chinese security firm Qihoo360 Technology Co said on its blog that it had uncovered 344 apps tainted with XcodeGhost .

  13. 艰难的决定:这个词来源于360与腾讯公司的一场商业掐架。

    A hard decision : This phrase originated from the business competition between China ´ s Internet firm Tencent and Qihoo .

  14. 不过,刘炽平表示,腾讯仍在评估与奇虎360争端对公司业务的长期影响。

    However , Mr Lau said Tencent was still evaluating the longer-term impact of the fight with Qihoo 360 on its business .

  15. 像WME这类组织,还有它的竞争对手创新艺人经纪公司(CreativeArtistsAgency)、Management360、布里斯坦娱乐公司(BrillsteinEntertainmentPartners)和PrincipatoYoungEntertainment等公司,除了代理演员、作家、导演、歌手等人的工作之外,全都从事内容包装。

    Organisations such as WME , and its rivals including Creative Artists Agency , Management 360 , Brillstein Entertainment Partners and Principato Young Entertainment , are all engaged in packaging content as well as representing actors , writers , directors , singers and so on .

  16. 在我看来,这是360度全方位公司应有的样子。

    That to me is what a 360-degree company is .