
The high precision barometers have been applied widely in weather station , sounding balloon and sounding rocket , its precision directly works on the accuracy of weather forecast .
Deep seismic sounding and magnetotelluric sounding data revealed the crustal - mantle lithosphere structure on the northern margin of Yangtze plate and provided deep geological evidence for analysis of formation and evolution of the Palaeozoic basins .
The research results from the deep seismic sounding , magnetotelluric sounding , gravity survey , aeromagnetic survey , geothermal survey , compilation of the Geoscience Transect , and seismic tomography in the southeast continental margin of China are comprehensively analyzed in this paper .
Application Comparison between Multi-beam Sounding Technology and Single-frequency Sounding Technology
Secret of Sounding Sand , Sand Sounding and Resonator
Application of ' Arbitrary Ratio Value Sounding Ruler'into Betterment of Sounding Function of SUBSITE Sounder
In this paper the geoid anomalies of middle short wavelength of China and its adjacent region are simulated on the basis of internal earth structure and distribution of density , which results from data of tomography , seismic sounding and telluric electromagnetic sounding .
Using boundary integral equation method , the authors calculate the results of symmetric four pole sounding and Wenner array sounding for an equiaxial 3 D body in homogeneous half space , and proves that the results are correct by comparing the results with calculating results of relevant analytic equation .
In this paper it is briefly reviewed that the results and it 's research advancement on crustal and upper mantle structure detected by deep geophysical prospecting in the area of northeast China for recent 3 decades including gravity inversion , magnetotelluric sounding , deep seismic sounding , seismo-tomography and etc.
Based on studies , experiments and theories made by scholars at home and abroad on sounding sand , the differences between sounding sand and sand sounding have been put forward in this paper .
Then , the relation between tri-electrode and dipole-dipole array gives the resistivity forward formula of dipole-dipole sounding on horizontal layered earth . Finally , it contrasts dipole-dipole sounding curves with Schlumberger sounding curves on horizontal layered earth .