
  • Black hole accretion;accretion by black hole
  1. Kerr度规下黑洞吸积盘的温度分布

    The temperature profile of accretion disk around the Kerr black hole

  2. 利用黑洞吸积盘演化的基本方程组,在纯吸积情况下,求得了薄、厚吸积盘及一般厚吸积盘的黑洞视界半径rH的演化方程。

    The basic evolution equations of black hole accretion disks are used to derive the evolution characters of horizon radius r H of black hole surrounded by thin the thick disks respectively .

  3. 黑洞吸积理论的新进展(Ⅰ):ADAF吸积理论

    The Progress in the Theory of Accretion onto a Black Hole (ⅰ): ADAF Accretion Theory

  4. 在Schwarzschild度规下,针对洛仑兹发射谱线,将黑洞吸积环谱线轮廓的计算推广到倾角为任意值的一般情形。

    The calculation of line profile for the light , originally in Lorentz spectral type , emitted from an accretion ring around a Schwarzschild black hole is generalized to the ordinary case with an arbitrary inclination angle .

  5. 由于其时标与黑洞吸积盘内区的动力学时标相当,QPO被认为是探测黑洞附近吸积过程的有效途径。

    QPO is believed to be an effective approach to detect the accretion process near BHs since its time scale is equivalent to the dynamical time scale in the inner region of an accretion disk .

  6. 事实上,这个过程看上去就像给M81内恒星量级的黑洞吸积过程,尽管中央黑洞质量要大上数百万倍。

    In fact , the process otherwise appears to be just like the accretion process feeding M81 's stellar mass black holes , even though the central black hole is millions of times more massive .

  7. 开放型大尺度磁场对黑洞吸积盘过渡区能量的提取

    Magnetic extraction of energy from transition region of black-hole accretion disk

  8. 黑洞吸积的后牛顿声界

    Sound horizon of accretion onto a black hole in post-Newton

  9. 黑洞吸积盘内边缘半径的演化

    The Evolution of the Inner Marginal Radius of the Black-Hole Accretion Disk

  10. 黑洞吸积盘的演化及温度分布的热不稳定性

    Evolution of Black Hole Accretion Disks and Thermal Instability of Temperature Distribution

  11. 黑洞吸积盘内区温度的分布特征和演化特征

    The Radial Temperature Profile in the inner Region of a Black-Hole Accretion Disk

  12. 黑洞吸积盘径向参量的演化

    Evolution of Radial Parameters in Black Hole Accretion Disk

  13. 大质量黑洞吸积盘的径向自引力

    Radial Self-Gravity of Accretion Discs Around Supermassive Black Holes

  14. 黑洞吸积盘理论进展

    Progress in the Theory of Black Hole Accretion Disks

  15. 黑洞吸积盘的演化与黑洞自转Ⅰ.薄盘的演化

    Evolution of black hole accretion disks and black hole spin ⅰ . evolution of thin disks

  16. 黑洞吸积盘中磁场的放大及黑洞双星的谱态转变

    Amplification of Magnetic Field in Accretion Disk and Transition of Spectral States in Black Hole Binaries

  17. 磁化黑洞吸积盘的统一模型及其放能效率

    A Unified Model of Black Hole Surrounded by Magnetized Accretion Disc and its Efficiency of Extracting Energy

  18. 讨论了相对论天体物理中的两个热点问题:黑洞吸积盘的观测效应和类星体光谱证认;

    Two focuses of relativistic astrophysics , observable effects on an accretion disk and the identification of a quasar spectral lines are discussed .

  19. 提出了径向自引力不稳定扰动作为一种能源机制。本文还得到吸积盘自引力与中心天体引力量级比较的两个判据,并由此得到大质量黑洞吸积盘外半径的近似解析估计。

    This paper has got two criterions for the comparison between the accretion disc self-gravity and the gravity of the central black holes , from which an analytic estimation for the outer radius of the accretion discs has been derived .

  20. “袭击使小塑料球变成了一个能量极高的X射线源,释放出类似来自黑洞周围吸积盘中的X射线,”该研究的首要发起人、物理学家藤冈申介说。

    That turned the pellet into " a source of [ immensely powerful ] x-rays similar to those from an accretion disk around a black hole ," says physicist and lead author Shinsuke Fujioka .

  21. 黑洞-吸积盘模型很好的解决了AGN高光度、小尺度引起的困难和被吸积物质角动量向外转移的问题。

    The Black-Hole Disk Model makes it easier to explain the difficulty by high luminosity and small scale of AGN , while better to explain how the angle momentum moved to the outer .

  22. 黑洞的吸积是天体物理学中最重要的基础理论之一。

    The theory of accretion onto a black hole is one of the most important ones in astrophysics .

  23. 对100&10000埃的大隆起,通常认为由类星体中央大质量黑洞周围吸积盘的热发射产生。

    Usually we consider that 100-10000 A big bump is due to thermal radiation of the accretion disk around the central massive black hole .

  24. 通过分析年轻恒星周围和黑洞周围吸积盘的数值解可以得到:(1)在磁场比较小的一段阈值内,这种耗散过程是不可忽略的。

    By analyzing numerically the disks around a young stellar object ( YSO ) and a black hole , we can obtain : ( 1 ) The dissipation can not be neglected as the magnetic field is in small threshold value .

  25. 天体物理学家在研究黑洞的吸积模型时常常近似地假定吸积物质沿短程线运动,即研究黑洞附近的辐射沿类光短程线落入黑洞或传向远方观测者的规律。

    The accretion model of the black hole is often approximately to assume that the accreting matter moves along the geodesics . The radiation near the black hole falls into the black hole or propagates to infinite observers along the null geodesic .

  26. 黑洞在顺行吸积和逆行吸积中的演化特征

    Evolution characteristics of black holes in prograde and retrograde accretions

  27. 通常,黑洞会被吸积盘所环绕,两极更有喷流。

    Usually , a real black hole will have accretion disk around it and have jets gushing out at two poles .

  28. 我们利用磁吸积盘一种全新的反常粘滞结果(Li&Zhang2002),研究了黑洞周围薄吸积盘的静态垂向结构。

    Using the anomalous viscosity ( Li & Zhang 2002 ), we discuss the stationary vertical structure of a thin disk around a black hole .

  29. 利用反常粘滞[1]研究了黑洞周围薄吸积盘的静态垂向结构。

    The stationary vertical structure of a thin disk around a black hole is considered with the anomalous magnetic viscosity ~ ( [ 1 ] ) .

  30. 其中,致密天体如中子星或者黑洞的引力吸积可以将相当于大约10%的被吸积物质的静止质量转化为辐射,这是天体物理中最为有效的能源之一。

    About 10 % mass accreted by compact star , such as neutron star or black hole , can be transfered into radiation . It is known that accretion is one of the most efficient exoergic mechanisms in the universe .