- 名agglutinating language;bound morpheme

From the view of the basic word order sentences , Mongolian is belong to SOV ( guest of honor that ) type language .
Korean and Japanese languages belong to the same agglutinative language , using a similar particle .
Korean is a kind of adherent language that most grammatical information is expressed by auxiliary word and termination .
Korean language belongs to the category of agglutinative language , while Chinese language is a kind of analytical language .
Uyghur language is an agglutinative language , its main method of word-formation is adding word-forming suffixes to roots and stems .
In traditional linguistics , " case " indicates the morphological change of some agglutinative languages and inflecting languages . But in semantics , " case " indicates the transitive relationship between substantive words and predicative words .
Mongolian is sticks together the language , the shape change is rich , in the word has the specially expression grammatical meaning affix , The noun knows how things stand , categories and so on standard , ruler and subordinate in the grammar aspect .
Mongolian word formation consists of roots , affixes . Suffixes Mongolian languages does not have an infix and prefix , only have an suffix . Mongolian languages do not have prepositions , only using Mongolian semantic grid affixes correspond to the usage of Chinese prepositions .