
  1. 抓住新机遇迎接新挑战&中华人民共和国交通部黄镇东部长谈2002年交通工作

    GRASP NEW OPPORTUNITIES AND MEET NEW CHALLENGES & Mr Huang Zhendong , Minister of Communications of PRC , talking about the job of 2002

  2. 本文报道了大别山东南部安徽石马地区柯石英榴辉岩组合和黄镇地区石英榴辉岩组合的全岩及单矿物的氢氧同位素特征。

    The hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of single minerals and whole-rock were measured for coesite-bearing eclogite at Shima and quartz-bearing eclogite at Huangzhen in southeastern Dabie .

  3. 本机将会通过黄刀镇及五大湖区上空。

    We 'll be passing over Yellowknife and the5 Great Lakes .

  4. 原本居住在黄刀镇的凯尔?哈利与一位朋友去露营时,被黑熊追赶并且遭到攻击。

    Yellowknife resident Kyle Harry was chased and mauled by the animal while camping with a friend .

  5. 并以黄圃镇为例,对乡镇特色产业工业旅游开发的对策作了初步探讨。

    It sets Huangpu town for an example , and explores the primary strategies for villages and towns special industries tourism exploitation .

  6. 本课题是受泰兴市水利局委托研制的项目,该项目要求在黄桥镇丰庄灌区建立一套节水灌溉远程控制系统。

    This project consigned by water department of Taixing city need to set up a remote control system for water saving irrigation .

  7. 广东省疾病预防控制中心表示,自7月16日起,中山市黄圃镇的5个社区陆续报告了37例病例,之后很可能还会报告更多的病例。

    The Guangdong provincial disease control and prevention center says all 37 patients were found in five localities in the city 's Huangpu Township since July 16 , and it is likely that more cases will be reported .

  8. 第三部分是青州市农村公路发展现状及其对青州的影响分析,介绍了青州市农村公路发展现状;以青州市黄楼镇为例,对农村公路对青州的效果进行了分析。

    The third part is Qingzhou Development of rural highway that is the impact on the Qingzhou paper introduces the status of road development in rural areas Qingzhou ; to Qingzhou TOWN , yellow , for example , on rural roads on the effect of Qingzhou were analyzed .