
huánɡ dào shí èr ɡōnɡ
  • the 12 signs of the zodiac;zodiacal signs
  1. 这是非基督教所改制的黄道十二宫的十字架。

    It is a Pagan adaptation of the cross of the Zodiac .

  2. 给我朗诵一下黄道十二宫。

    Recite for me the12 signs of the zodiac .

  3. 中国的黄道十二宫12生肖一轮回。

    The Chinese zodiac operates on a rotation of12 different signs , or animals .

  4. (占星术)展现黄道十二宫和它们的迹象的一种循环图。

    ( astrology ) a circular diagram representing the 12 zodiacal constellations and showing their signs .

  5. 这是黄道十二宫的十字,是人类历史最早出现的概念性塑像之一。

    This is the cross of the Zodiac , one of the oldest conceptual images in human history .

  6. 展现特定的时间地点的行星和黄道十二宫位置的图表。

    A diagram of the positions of the planets and signs of the zodiac at a particular time and place .

  7. 黄道十二宫的标志是十二个模式,灵魂在进入地球时以此来进行选择。

    The twelve signs of the zodiac are twelve patterns from which the soul chooses when coming into the earth plane .

  8. 我的思想飞向法国去了,好像跟着黄道十二宫的星宿一齐去似的,这些星是有好几个钟头照着法国的。

    My memories took wing toward France , in the wake of those zodiacal stars due to twinkle over it in a few hours .

  9. 在同一宫位里,每颗星体各自产生不同的作用。黄道十二宫与恒星亦然。

    The same planet produces certain effects by its conjunction with a planet , others by its opposition , others by its trine , others by its square , etc.

  10. 中国农历会在一个12年的周期中,每年分配一个动物属相。根据黄道十二宫图,2016年是猴年。

    The Chinese lunar calendar assigns an animal symbol to each year in a 12-year cycle . According to the zodiac , 2016 is the Year of the Monkey .

  11. 我们用行星法则的术语来审视黄道十二宫,我们找到了另一个被火星守护的星座是位于黄道圆210度的天蝎座(远古时代也称这个星座为鹰座)。

    Looking at the zodiac in terms of planetary rulers , we find that the next sign ruled by Mars is Scorpio ( the ancients also called this sign the Eagle ) at210-degrees of the circle .

  12. 2012年是中国的龙年,按照中国的黄道十二宫,这是最会交好运的一年,而且根据对影响你和你的小企业因素的预测,今年也是企业家和小企业主的大贵之年。

    It 's the Year of the Dragon , considered the luckiest year in the Chinese zodiac , and it should be a great year for entrepreneurs and small business owners , according to what 's predicted to affect you and your small business in the coming year .

  13. 黄道第十二宫是双鱼座,它被认为是善解人意的、有同情心的。

    Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac and associated with human emotions .