
  • 网络Huang Kui;Yellow Transparent
  1. 黄奎将这段录像逐帧分离,得到数量巨大的单幅图像,关于杀戮的图像。

    Huang separated this video frame by frame to obtain individual pictures in large quantity : pictures of murdering .

  2. 这件作品的灵感来源于黄奎曾经看过的一段极其残暴的网络录像,他描述这段录像的内容是“一些生命被另一些生命夺去生命的过程”。

    Inspired by an extremely violent online video , Huang Kui described its content as a process during which " some lives are deprived of by some other lives " .

  3. 黄奎以《天使》画面中每一个唯美的、充满爱意的像素来“洗刷”那段网络录像的每一帧令人难以忍受的残暴实事图像,这是一种假想的救赎形式。

    Artist is attempting to rinse out every intolerably violent factual image in the online video by every beautiful and lovely pixel , which , as a result , leads to the form of an imaginary salvation .