
shè māo
  • civet cat
  1. 与椰子猫有密切联系的一种单种的马达加斯加麝猫。

    Monotypic genus of Madagascar civets closely related to palm civets .

  2. 麝猫是一种小型,外表像猫的北非本土动物。

    The genet is a small , cat-like animal native to north Africa .

  3. 麝猫们这样的行为似乎并没有什么目的性,可能纯粹是享受骑行带来的刺激感受。

    The genet doesn 't seem to be doing it for any particular reason save perhaps the thrill of the ride .

  4. 虽然麝香猫及猫鼬和猫有相似的名字,也有同样机灵、敏捷的身形,但其实麝猫和猫鼬都不是猫科动物。

    They may have similar names and superb , feline-like agility , but neither meerkats nor civet cats are remotely related to cats .

  5. 其中的一只本地麝猫很明显地骑在栖息在它们领地内的大型食草动物的背上,但没有人能对此做出解释。

    One of the local genets has apparently taken to riding around on the backs of the large herbivores that it shares its territory with , and no one knows why .

  6. 世界各地的人不只吃麝猫的肉,还取它的麝香用来稳定香水&这是动物权益组织所反对的,并且用来生产猫屎咖啡,也称麝猫咖啡。

    Civets are used around the world not only for their meat but for a musk used to stabilise perfume-which animal rights groups object to-and to produce kopi luwak , also known as civet coffee .

  7. 但有一例除外,有人发现在南非的Hluhlwe-iMfolozi公园里,麝猫们不但在和一些看起来不太可能的物种交朋友,还在每天晚上非常愉快地骑在它们的背上。

    This isn 't the case for one particular genet that 's been spotted in South Africa 's Hluhlwe-iMfolozi Park , not only making some unlikely friends , but going joyriding on his back every night .

  8. 这只麝猫似乎并不需要任何一支犀牛来做伴,但是却被看到经常骑在不同的犀牛以及水牛的背上悠闲放风,并且好像也没有任何的目的性地想要去哪儿。

    The genet doesn 't seem to prefer the company of any one rhino ; it 's been seen riding around on different rhinos and buffaloes alike , and it doesn 't seem to be trying to get anywhere in particular , either .