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  1. 植物纹样多数为花草,动物纹的纹样有虎纹、鹿纹、豹纹、蛇纹、孔雀纹、鳄鱼纹等。

    Vegetable Pattern mostly flowers , animal pattern patterns have tiger , deer pattern , leopard , snake , peacock pattern , crocodile and so on .

  2. 认为辽金元时期的鹿纹源自早期的北方草原民族斯基泰,而其在织绣品上的流行带动了其他手工制品诸如金银器、玉器等对鹿纹的青睐。

    It holds that the deer vein pattern was originated from the early northern people " Sejitei " and it made the wide use of the pattern in other handicrafts such as gold , silver and jade making .