
  • 网络Heshan;heshan city
  1. 鹤山市沙坪镇社区居民慢性非传染性疾病基线调查浅析

    Investigation of Chronic Non-communicable Disease in Shaping Community Heshan City

  2. 广东省鹤山市地质灾害分布特征与防治

    Distribution Features and Prevention of Geological Hazards in Heshan City of Guangdong Province

  3. 欢迎各界朋友莅临鹤山市华伟五金制品厂参观、指导和业务洽谈,共创双赢。

    Welcome friends from all Heshan Huawei Hardware Products Factory visit , guidance and business negotiation to create win-win situation .

  4. 城乡一体化地区120急救医疗站点设施区位问题分析&以广东省鹤山市为例

    FLP ANALYSIS OF THE 120 EMS STATIONS IN URBAN-RURAL INTEGRATED AREA & A Case Study of Heshan city , Guangdong Province

  5. 鹤山市政府在新闻发布会上表示,由于社会各界反对意见较多,决定取消该项目。

    The Heshan government said in a press conference that it would cancel the project due to opposition from every level of society .

  6. 鹤山市金龙橡胶制品有限公司始建于1998年,是一家专业生产橡胶什件企业;

    Jinlong ( Heshan ) Rubber Products CO. , LTD was founded in1998 , is a company specializing in the production of rubber ;

  7. 鹤山市华伟五金制品厂创办于1998年,经过十年的发展,成为一家专业的五金制造及模具制作行业专业知名的民营企业。

    Huawei Hardware Material Company was established in1998.After a decade of development , it has become a professional and well-known private enterprise in the hardware and mould making trades .

  8. 方法采取本室获得正式授权的国家发明专利对鹤山市出土的明代古墓骨骸和陪葬品木梳、发簪及馆藏的民族服装进行塑化保存。

    Methods The national invent patent special for preserving the biological relics was carried out to manage the specimens of bones from ancient tomb of Ming Dynasty and housed dress in Heshan museum .

  9. 声明说,鹤山市政府决定尊重民意,还说对该项目不予申请立项。

    ' The government of Heshan has decided to respect the will of the people , ' the statement said , adding that the project ' will not be allowed to apply for implementation . '

  10. 在鹤山市行政中心选址及城市发展方向规划中,存在两种意见:跳跃式和渐进式发展模式。

    In the selection of Heshan Administration Center and the planning of direction of urban development , there exist two different opinions , the development pattern of leaping forward and the pattern of going on gradually .

  11. 据新华社报道,江门鹤山市拟建的这一项目是中国东南地区首个核燃料园区,所生产的核燃料将供应广东省和邻近的福建省的核电站使用。

    The industrial park , the first planned for nuclear fuel production in southeast China , was intended to serve nuclear power plants in Guangdong and neighboring Fujian province , according to the official Xinhua news agency .

  12. 中国南方广东省鹤山市的地方政府上周六取消了建造中国最大核燃料加工厂的计划,作出这一决定的前一天,当地有数百人举行示威,抗议这个60亿美元的项目。

    Local government authorities in the southern Chinese city of Heshan on Saturday cancelled plans to build the country 's largest uranium processing plant , a day after hundreds of people had demonstrated demanding the $ 6bn project be scrapped .

  13. 中国广东省江门市政府上周六在网站上发布了一份简短声明说,不再考虑这个投资人民币300亿元(48亿美元)、总用地面积229公顷的核燃料工业园项目。项目原计划落址江门卫星城鹤山市。

    In a terse statement posted to its website Saturday , the government of Jiangmen city in southern China 's Guangdong province said it was no longer considering the 30 billion yuan ( $ 4.8 billion ) , 229-hectare industrial park that had been planned for the satellite town of Heshan .