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  • goose egg
  1. 他推着面前的鹅蛋钻进了他的地道。

    He disappeared into his tunnel , pushing the goose egg in front of him .

  2. 绑在那里的食槽啪地一声掉了下来,正好砸在那下面的鹅蛋上。

    The trough tipped up and then came down with a slap . The goose egg was right underneath .

  3. 五龙鹅蛋用系及快长系体重与血清中GPT、LDH活力相关性研究

    Correlation Between Body Weight and Activity of GPT & LDH on Wu-long Goose Fast-growth Lines and Egg-Production Lines

  4. 发型长至脸颊,做出层次的修剪同样也会对较长的鹅蛋脸型起到不错的修饰效果。

    Cheek-length layers will also help balance a longer oval shape .

  5. 她还给了我十个鹅蛋拿去人工孵化。

    She also gave me ten goose eggs for the incubator .

  6. 蛋有鸡蛋、鸭蛋、鹅蛋。

    Eggs are eggs , duck eggs , goose egg .

  7. 鹅蛋与鸡蛋孵化条件控制的差异分析

    Analysis on Difference of Incubating Condition Between Goose and Chicken

  8. 她说,今天的六个鹅蛋一个也没有卖掉。

    She said that one of the six did not sell the goose .

  9. 鹅蛋长期贮存期间的定期加温

    Long term storage of geese eggs with Periodical warming

  10. 她佩戴的是一款宝格丽的戒指,以及一条镶嵌鹅蛋形蓝宝石、红宝石与钻石的项链。

    She wears a Bulgari ring and necklace with cabochon sapphires and rubies with diamonds .

  11. 如果这次我们的球队还是无法得分,我们就要再得一个鹅蛋了。

    If our team fails to score this time , we will have another goose egg .

  12. 婆婆颤巍巍地提起袋子,打开来给我看,我看到一些很大的鹅蛋。

    Trembling mother-in-law to bring a bag , open to give my watch , I see some great goose .

  13. 那只外国鹅蛋被放到了抱窝母鸡的肚皮下。时间一到,一只漂亮的小鹅被孵出来。

    Now the foreign goose-egg was set under the broody hen and in due time a wonderful gosling hatched out .

  14. 福州市郊潴育性水稻土的表层厚度和层次变化对于水稻产量的影响福州市土法孵鹅蛋技术调查研究

    The influence on the depth of topsoil of hydrogenic paddy soil and the arrangement of soil layers on the yield of rice plant in Foochow

  15. 它潜回自己的洞穴,把那个坏鹅蛋推到一边,然后,拿着一条又旧又脏的白线出来了。

    He crept down into his hole , pushed the goose egg out of the way , and returned with an old piece of dirty white string .

  16. 结果表明:五龙鹅蛋用系与快长系的蛋品质和体尺各项指标差异不显著(P>0.05);

    The results suggested that the result of egg character of egg-production-lines and fast-growth-lines were in insignificance of difference ( P > 0.05 ), so did the body size ( P > 0.05 );