
  • 【水产】fish growth
  1. 实验表明,肌肉中RNA/DNA比率是一个能非常灵敏地反映鱼类生长和蛋白质含量的指标。

    Moreover , RNA / DNA ratio is a very sensitive indicator in reflecting fish growth rate and protein content in the feed .

  2. 研究结果表明:水体溶解氧含量丰富,适合鱼类生长,但化学需氧量(COD)、总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)、叶绿素a(Chla)等已超标。

    The findings indicate : the rich DO content of the water body fits fish growth , but the chemical oxygen demand ( COD ), the total phosphorus ( TP ), the total nitrogen ( TN ), chlorophyll a ( Chla ) and so on exceed the allowed figure seriously .

  3. 水动力学条件对鱼类生长影响的试验研究

    Experimental study of the effect of hydrodynamic conditions on fish growth

  4. 影响鱼类生长的水质因子机理与控制

    Mechanism and Control of Water Quality Factors Influencing the Growth of Fish

  5. 鱼类生长激素的分子生物学和应用研究的进展

    Advances in studies on molecular biology and applications of fish growth hormone

  6. 1饲料糖种类和水平对鱼类生长和健康的影响

    The effects of dietary carbohydrate kind and level on growth and health offish

  7. 鱼类生长激素对鱼的生长发育有重要的作用。

    Fish growth hormone plays an important role in the development of fish .

  8. 摄食水平对几种重要海水养殖鱼类生长和氮收支的影响

    Effects of ration on growth and nitrogen budgets of several important marine-cultured fishes

  9. 蛋白质是影响鱼类生长和饲料成本的主要因素。

    Protein is the dominating factor which affects fish growth and feed costs .

  10. 适当流速下的持续游泳运动通常能够促进鱼类生长率的提高。

    Continual swimming exercise usually promotes growth in fish at a moderate water velocity .

  11. 鱼类生长激素的研究概况

    A Survey of Studies on Fish Growth Hormone

  12. 鱼类生长激素生物活性和定量免疫测定技术的研究进展

    The Progress of Technology of Bioactive Detection and Quantitatively Immunological Determination of Fish Growth Hormone

  13. 鱼类生长内分泌学和鱼类养殖

    Fish growth Endocrinology and fish culture

  14. 鱼类生长的幂指数生长方程

    Power-exponential growth equation of fish growth

  15. 影响浅海网箱养殖鱼类生长的因素分析&解析结构模型法的应用

    Analyzing factors affecting fish growth in net cage mariculture : application of interpretive structural modeling method

  16. 鱼类生长的数学描述

    A mathematical description of the fish-growth

  17. 摄食水平和饵料种类对3种海洋鱼类生长和生长效率的影响

    Effect of ration and feed species on growth and ecological conversion efficiency of 3 species of sea fishes

  18. 重组鱼类生长激素对中国对虾成活率及促生长作用的研究

    Studies of the effects of recombinant fish growth hormone on survival and growth enhancement of Chinese prawn Penaeus chinensis

  19. 主要用于增加鱼池水中含氧量,满足鱼类生长发育所需的氧气。

    It is mainly applied to increasing oxygen content in fishpond , so as to provide sufficient oxygen required by fish growing .

  20. 科学合理地配制饲料是促进鱼类生长,降低成本,提高效益的重要环节。

    Compounding the feed scientifically and reasonably is the important link to promote the cultivation of fish , reduce the cost and enhances the benefit .

  21. 本文报道了河道疏浚泥浆排放对养殖鱼类生长、饲料转化率和池塘鱼产量影响的研究结果。

    The influence about dredged sludge on fish growth , feed conversion ratio and the production of pond fish culture and its countermove have been studied and reported .

  22. 摄食量是影响鱼类生长和发挥生产性能的重要因素,鱼类的摄食由一系列食欲刺激和抑制因子共同调节。

    Food intake play an important role on fish growth and production performance , feeding is regulated by a series of appetite-regulating peptides including appetite stimulators and inhibitors .

  23. 鱼类生长因子能够促进鱼类生长,在水产养殖中具有重要的应用价值,受到了人们的广泛关注。

    Fish growth hormone ( GH ), a promoter of fish growth , should be of great value in fish culture , and it has already gained great attention .

  24. 疏浚泥浆排放对渔业生产的影响及其对策研究Ⅰ对养殖鱼类生长、饲料转化率和池塘鱼产量的影响

    Influence About the Dredged Sludge on Fisheries and Its Countermove ⅰ The effects of dredged sludge on fish growth , feed conversion ratio and yield of pond fish culture

  25. 鱼类生长因子的开发应用主要通过培育转生长因子基因鱼和在基因工程菌中表达重组生长因子应用于养殖鱼类。

    The exploiture of fish GH for its application in aquaculture are mainly through the breeding of GH transgenic fish and the expression of GH gene in gene engineering host .

  26. 而养殖水质的恶化也会导致鱼类生长速度减慢,疾病发生率升高,养殖产量和品质下降,进而引起养殖效益的下降。

    At the same time , worse water condition in pond had reversed the fish growth rate and caused high incidence of diseases , decreased fish production and meat quality , and the economic return .

  27. 温度、体重、摄食水平、饵料种类和群居行为等生态、生理因素均可能引起鱼类生长和生态转换效率等生态能量学特征的改变。

    Both of the specific growth rates and ecological conversion efficiencies changed along with differences of following ecological and physiological factors , such as temperature , body weight , feeding level , food species and social behavior etc.

  28. 生长激素(Growthhormone)是GH/PRL/SL家族的一个成员,其功能是对鱼类的生长发育、繁殖等起着非常重要的调控作用。

    Growth hormone ( GH ) is a member of GH / PRL / SL family that regulates normal growth and reproduction in fish .

  29. 鱼类的生长和繁殖是密切联系的,分别受生长激素(GH)和促性腺激素(GtH)的调节。

    The growth and reproduction occurs close relation in fish , is respectively regulated by growth hormone ( GH ) and gonadotropin hormone ( GtH ) .

  30. 鱼类补偿生长及其对资源生态学特征的影响

    The effect of compensatory growth on patterns of fisheries ecology