
ɡāo lín xuè zhènɡ
  • hyperphosphatemia
  1. PiT-1在高磷血症导致慢性肾衰竭大鼠血管钙化中的表达

    Expression of PiT-1 in hyperphosphatemia induced arterial calcification in chronic renal failure rats

  2. 血液学研究显示有严重高磷血症、低钙血症和代谢性酸中毒。

    Hematologic studies revealed severe hyperphosphatemia , hypocalcemia and metabolic acidosis .

  3. 方法采用放射免疫法,对高磷血症组和正常血磷组各30例,进行血清PTH、1,25(OH)2D、CT测定,并进行对比分析。

    Methods Thirty patients with endogenous hyperphosphatemia were included with 30 normal children as the control group . Serum level of PTH , 1,25 - ( OH ) 2D , CT were determined with radioimmunoassay .

  4. 1例早产婴儿口服过量磷酸盐引起致命性高磷血症。

    Fatal hyperphosphatemia after oral phosphate overdose in a premature infant .

  5. 碳酸镧治疗维持性血液透析患者高磷血症有效性和安全性的系统评价

    A Systematic Review of Lanthanum Carbonate for Hyperparathyroidism in Dialysis Patients

  6. 二磷酸果糖注射液致急性高磷血症、肾功能衰竭5例

    Acute hyperphosphatemia and renal failure due to fructose diphosphate injection

  7. 慢性肾衰血透患者营养不良治疗与高磷血症防治的临床研究

    Prevention and treatment of hyperphosphatemia associated with nutritional therapy in maintenance hemodialysis patients

  8. 高磷血症是肾衰常见的并发症,它常常伴随低钙血症以及血清维生素D含量减少。

    Hyperphosphatemia , a nearly universal complication of kidney failure , is accompanied by hypocalcemia and low serum levels of vitamin D.

  9. 目的:探讨注射用二磷酸果糖致急性高磷血症的临床特点及诱发急性肾功能衰竭的发病机理。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical characteristics and mechanism of renal failure due to acute hyperphosphatemia following intravenous fructose diphosphate injection .

  10. 控制磷酸盐摄入成为治疗方法的基石,但这种手段通常不足以控制高磷血症。

    Dietary restriction of phosphate has long been the cornerstone of therapy , but this measure is usually not sufficient to control hyperphosphatemia .

  11. 12例患者除ARF表现外可有高热、意识障碍、抽搐、肌痛及肢体肿胀、棕色尿、低钙高磷及高钾血症;

    In all the 12 cases , besides manifestations of ARF , high temperature , disturbance of conciousness , convulsion , muscle pain and swelling of extremitates , black urine , hypocalcemia , hyperphosphatemia and hyperkalemia could be seen .

  12. 现已试验性地应用在肾衰竭患者高钾血症和高磷血症的治疗中。

    The efficiency of the treatments is excellent and they have been in experimental applications now .

  13. 结果:所有病例均有不同项目和不同程度的血生化指标异常,主要表现为高钾血症、高尿酸血症、高磷血症和低钙血症以及肾功能异常。

    Results : The main abnormal blood chemical features in all cases were hyperkalemia , hyperuricemia , hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia and abnormal function of the kidney .