
  1. 全高清3D视频转换系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Full HD 3D Video Conversion System

  2. 虽然能在Fire上租借高清视频,但它本身只支持标清视频播放。

    Though you can rent HD content on it , the Fire only supports standard definition video .

  3. 有很多特效的时候,高清电视就格外有用了。

    HDTV is especially useful if there are a lot of special effects .

  4. 对于社交媒体爆炸性增长原因,最普遍的一种说法就是因为它满足了许多人“自恋”的情结。太多人整天过于痴迷地盯着高清图片或是对着屏幕,沉溺在无尽的虚拟世界中无法自拔。

    One of the most common refrains about the explosive growth of social media is that it makes many of us " narcissistic through our screens into a bottomless sea of inauthenticity .

  5. 上周日(8月22日)预告片遭到泄露,迫使漫威和索尼本周一(8月23日)抢在影迷蜂拥去看盗版预告片之前发布了高清版正式预告片。

    The trailer was leaked online Sunday , forcing Marvel Studios and Sony to get a high-quality version out into the world Monday , before too many eager eyes got to the pirated version .

  6. 基于DSP和FPGA的机载高清实时视频编码器设计

    A HD Real-Time Video Encoder Based on DSP and FPGA for Air Vehicle

  7. 本文对基于FPGA的高速图像处理系统的关键技术进行了研究,并在此基础上实现了基于FPGA的高速高清医学影像处理平台和基于FPGA的印刷检测平台。

    This paper researched the key technologies of FPGA-based high-speed image processing systems .

  8. 基于IPv6的高清视频系统实现与性能分析

    Implementation and performance analysis of IPv6-based high definition video system

  9. 高清无线电广播(HDRadio:High-DefinitionRadio)是一种数字广播技术,但它和卫星广播有所不同。

    HD Radio & High-Definition Radio is a digital broadcasting technology different from satellite radio .

  10. 高清到标清DCT域视频转码的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Video Coding from HDTV to SDTV in the DCT Domain

  11. 因此,新款高清DVD播放器的销售进展缓慢。

    So far , sales of the new high-definition disc players have been slow .

  12. 局域网内实现720p/1080i高清格式的VoD系统

    Implementation of VoD System with 720p / 1 080i High Definition Format in LAN

  13. 在天气预报、宇宙航空、制作数字高清字幕、广告装潢、3D游戏等领域也有着广泛的应用。

    In weather forecasting , aerospace , making digital high-definition title , advertisement decoration , 3D games and other fields also have a wide range of applications .

  14. 高清视频解码芯片中SDRAM存储器接口的设计与优化

    Design and Optimization of SDRAM Memory Interface in High-Definition Video Decoder

  15. 随着多媒体及高清楚度电视(HDTV)的出现显示技术得到空前发展。

    With multimedia and high definitions s appearing , display technique get unparalleled development .

  16. 光盘信道检测技术对于红光高清光盘(Next-generationVersatileDisc)伺服系统设计和误码率测试具有重要意义。

    Channel detection is meaningful for the servo system design and bit error rate testing of Next-Generation Versatile Disc .

  17. 日本计划使用200个高清摄像头来拍摄比赛画面,并通过3D大屏幕向世界各地的观众直播赛况。

    Japan plans to make use of 200 high definition cameras to film the matches and then transmit them across the world to be shown on giant 3D screens .

  18. 该电路已用于已开发的MPEG-2MP@HL高清解码芯片,采用0.18μMCMOS工艺成功进行了流片。

    The IDCT circuit was successfully used in the MPEG-2 MP @ HL decoder chip with SMIC 0.18 μ m CMOS technology .

  19. FPGA对信号进行SDI编码,以及音频加嵌以高清SDI信号输出。

    FPGA conducts SDI encoding for signal , and audio plus embedded HD-SDI signal output .

  20. 在超高清分辨率下,即便是淡定的弗兰西斯・安德伍德(FrancisUnderwood)也会出汗。这是真的。

    Even the unflappable Francis Underwood perspires in ultra high definition .

  21. thediffusiongroup上月发布的调查结果显示,美国近三分之一没有高清电视机的家庭有兴趣在未来6个月购买新的高清电视机。

    According to research published last month by the diffusion group , almost a third of non-hdtv households in the US are interested in purchasing a new HDTV set in the next six months .

  22. 补偿法在线性直流电路测量中的应用AVS高清视频帧间补偿结构与电路实现

    Measuring resistance with voltage Architecture and VLSI Implementation of Inter Compensator for AVS HDTV Application

  23. 基于DMB-T的USB高清电视棒设计与实现

    Design of HDTV Stick Based on DMB-T

  24. AVS高清视频变长码解码器算法与电路实现基于AVS的变字长解码器的设计及其FPGA验证

    An Algorithm and Architecture of VLD for AVS HDTV Application Design of Variable Length Decoder for AVS and Implementation on FPGA

  25. 您将安装一个镜子,所有从主HD的高清数据到中学基本上副本。

    You will setup a mirror which essentially copies all of the data from the primary HD to the secondary HD .

  26. 苹果卖给运营商的6Plus的起步价为750美元(约合4600元人民币),而高清iPadMini的起步价为399美元。

    Apple sells the 6 Plus to carriers for prices starting at $ 750 ; the high-definition iPad Mini starts at $ 399 .

  27. sky传播的高清频道越来越多,将会增加用户忠诚度;习惯看hd节目的观众对这类节目难舍难分。

    Sky can carry many more high-definition channels , which should increase loyalty ; viewers who become used to HD find it hard to give up .

  28. 一些电子设备,比如普屏和宽屏高清电视,平板电脑、PDA,移动电话等可以提供图像显示的功能。

    Many electronic devices such as high definition digital television , flat panel computer , PDAs , mobile phones provide image display functionality .

  29. IMAX屏幕就像高清电视版的电影院。

    An IMAX screen is like high-definition TV for a movie theater .

  30. 通过5G,运营商可以向住户家提供高清4K视频。

    With 5G , carriers could also deliver super-sharp 4K video to the home .