
gāo mào zi
  • High hat;tall paper hat;flattery
高帽子 [gāo mào zi]
  • (1) [tall paper hat]∶用纸做的高顶帽子

  • 他们用绳子绑了劣绅,给他戴上高帽子,牵着游乡。--《湖南农民运动考察报告》

  • (2) [flattery]∶比喻恭维的话

  • 他爱戴高帽子

高帽子[gāo mào zi]
  1. 端粒本身没有任何密码功能,它就像一顶高帽子置于染色体头上。

    Telomere does not have any password function , which is like a tall paper hat at the head of chromosomes .

  2. 例句给她带带高帽子特别有效。你一定得相信我,这款护肤霜抗皱纹的功效简直太神了。

    You 've got to trust me on this : this cream works like magic on wrinkles .

  3. 那个做官的人告别老师出来后,对朋友说:“我的一百顶高帽子,现在只剩下九十九顶了!”

    After the official said farewell to his teacher and went out , he said to his friend : " Of my 100 ' tall hats ' , now only 99 are left . "

  4. 那个做官的人回答说:“请老师放心,我准备了一百顶高帽子,逢人便送他一顶,管叫地方上人人高兴。”

    The official replied : " Please don 't worry . I have prepared 100 ' tall hats ' , and will present one to each and every person I meet . I 'm sure all the local people will be pleased . "

  5. 第二是红衣主教这两顶高帽子也可以卖不少钱。

    And then he had the two hats to sell besides .

  6. 这顶高帽子会使他们听了很舒服。

    This butters them up and makes them feel good .

  7. 高帽子由他戴去好了,林肯。

    Linc , just let him wear his crown .

  8. 这位装萝莉的大姐,我们找不到高帽子男

    Grown lady dressed like a doll , we can 't find tall hat ,

  9. 一顶黑色的高帽子、一条红色的裤子和一件浆洗得雪白的围裙。

    A tall black hat , a scarlet skirt and a starched white apron .

  10. 看见他戴那顶俗不可耐的高帽子我都快笑出声了。

    I nearly burst out laughing when I saw him in that cheesy top hat .

  11. 这顶高帽子会使他们听了很舒服。他从外边回来,头上戴着一顶高帽子。

    This butters them up and makes them feel good . He came back from outside , with a tall hat on his head .

  12. 他从外边回来,头上戴着一顶高帽子。但是,农会议决,今天不给他戴高帽子。

    He came back from outside , with a tall hat on his head . Then the association decided not to crown him that day .

  13. 当他俩的目光相遇时,他摘下头上那顶高帽子,将手放在胸前有皱褶的洁白衬衫上,深深鞠了一躬。

    His tall hat was off in a deep bow when her eyes met his and his hand went to the bosom of a spotless pleated shirt .

  14. 其中的一个正在吸长管烟,一个带着高高帽子的年青男子正在同老酒保聊天。老酒保的头顶光秃秃的,好像一颗肿胀的核桃。

    One of them was smoking a long pipe . A little man in a top hat was talking to the old bartender , who was quite bald and looked like a toothless walnut .

  15. 他还改良了舒芙蕾蛋奶酥——一道烘焙鸡蛋的甜点,并且引入了标准厨师制服——今天很多厨师仍然在穿戴同款的双排纽扣白大衣和很高的白色帽子。

    He also perfected the souffl é— a baked egg dish , and introduced the standard chef 's uniform — the same double-breasted white coat and tall white hat still worn by many chefs today .

  16. 高顶男式帽子;通常外面覆盖着一层海狸皮毛或丝绸。

    A man 's hat with a tall crown ; usually covered with beaver or silk .

  17. 他花了60-70个小时把雪堆成这么个庞然大物,这个雪人跟别的雪人一样,长着胡萝卜做的长鼻子,戴着高高的帽子,眼睛是用煤炭涂上的。

    He spent 60-70 hours packing snow and shaping the massive beast , which has carrot nose , top hat , and coal eyes as tradition requires .

  18. 他穿衣打扮是从头上开始的,他先戴起那顶獭皮帽,一顶高高的帽子,然后再慢慢地…还是不穿裤子…找起他的靴子来。

    He commenced dressing at top by donning his beaver hat , a very tall one , by the by , and then-still minus his trowsers-he hunted up his boots .

  19. 为什么厨师要戴一顶高高的白帽子呢?

    Why does a cook wear a high , white hat ?