
  1. 目的:探讨和分析感染相关性噬血细胞综合征(IAHS)的骨髓病理学改变。

    Objective To investigate and analyze the pathological changes of infection-associated hemophagocytic syndrome ( IAHS ) in bone marrow .

  2. 补肾加和解法对慢性再障患者骨髓病理学的影响

    Observation on Bone Marrow 's Pathology of Chronic Aplastic Anemia Patients with Invigorate the Kidney and Mediation Method

  3. 本文比较了各型HL、B-NHL、T-NHL的骨髓侵犯病理学特点,并从形态学、免疫组化及淋巴瘤基因重排检测三方面对LBMI的骨髓活检诊断研究进展进行了综述。

    This article compared the pathologic features of LBMI in HL , B-NHL and T-NHL , and reviewed advances of bone marrow biopsy pathology in diagnosing LBMI from the aspects of morphology , immunohistochemistry , and lymphoma gene rearrangement .

  4. 慢性粒细胞白血病的骨髓组织病理学研究

    A Study on Bone Marrow Histopathology in Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia

  5. 结论:骨髓组织病理学定量分析对血液病具有鉴别诊断意义。

    Conclusions Quantitative pathological analysis on bone marrow tissue has a differential diagnostic significance in hematological diseases .

  6. 专长包括恶性淋巴瘤病理诊断、骨髓活检病理学、恶性淋巴瘤分子机制研究、组织细胞疾病病理学等。

    The strengths include histopathology and molecular research of malignant lymphomas , bone marrow biopsy pathology , pathology of histiocytic neoplasms , etc.

  7. 慢性病贫血骨髓细胞学及病理学改变的观察研究

    Studies on the cytological and pathological changes of bone marrow in patients with anemia of chronic disease

  8. 分别于1周,1、2个月,在各组随机选择4只兔进行骨X线、CT、MRI检查,取股骨、胫骨及肱骨骨皮质及骨髓组织做组织病理学检查。

    At 1 week , 1 month and 2 months after the last injection of dexamethasone or saline , 4 rabbits were examined with X-ray , CT , MRI and histopathologic examination .

  9. 淋巴瘤侵犯骨髓的骨髓活检病理学诊断研究进展

    Advances of Bone Marrow Biopsy Pathology in Diagnosing Lymphoma Bone Marrow Involvement

  10. 小儿血液病骨髓针刺活检临床病理学分析

    A clinicopathological study on the bone marrow biopsy in childhood with blood disorders