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  • gingivitis
  1. 菌斑中的细菌还可以导致牙龈炎及其他牙周病。

    Bacteria in plaque also cause gingivitis and other periodontal diseases .

  2. 青霉素V钾片治疗牙周炎和牙龈炎的疗效观察

    Therapy Efficiency of Penicillin V Potassium Tablets to Periodontitis and Gingivitis

  3. 香烟烟导致口头癌症、牙龈炎和牙脱落。

    Cigarette smoke causes oral cancer , gum diseases and tooth loss .

  4. 结果:按其影响单纯性牙龈炎的作用大小依次为饮食习惯、刷牙方法、口腔pH值、刷牙次数。

    RESULTS : The factors most related to the simple gingivitis in turn were the favorable food , methods of brushing teeth , oral pH , times of brushing teeth .

  5. 人CD14基因重组、真核表达及其在牙髓、牙龈炎中作用的实验研究

    Human CD14 Gene Recombination , Expression in Mammalian Cells and Detection of CD14 in Dental Tissue

  6. 牙菌斑牙龈炎在有无患龋两组之间的差异有明显统计学意义(p0.05)。

    The plaque and gingivitis in caries and caries-free group there are significant differences between the two groups , there was statistically significant ( p 0.05 ) . 4 .

  7. 我的牙医说她有第三期牙龈炎,艾丽卡·荣格(EricaJong)说。

    My dental hygienist pointed out she had third-stage gum disease , said Erica Jong .

  8. 方法:以金属烤瓷修复6个月以上变色的牙龈组织为实验组,慢性牙龈炎组织为对照组,对其进行超微结构观察和Xray能级分析。

    Methods : Patient ′ s discolored gingivae were collected 6 months after they received PFM crowns repair . Microstructure was observed and metal X-ray energy level was analyzed comparing with slowly inflammation control .

  9. 结论:该模型为良好的牙龈炎动物模型,龈沟液AST及局部微血流的改变均是反映牙龈炎发病程度的客观评定指标。

    Conclusion : Objective evaluation from local blood flow and crevicular fluid aspartate aminotransferase levels indicates that a reasonable gingivitis animal model has been established .

  10. 在初戴固定矫正器2个月后检查牙龈,进行牙龈指数(GI)测定,从而比较成人与青少年患牙龈炎的比率。

    Gingival index ( GI ) was recorded for each individual patient , before fixed orthodontic appliances were inserted and the second month after insertion .

  11. 两种合金烤瓷牙龈沟液IL-8含量的动态变化牙龈炎与腔隙性脑梗死血流变学水平关系研究

    Dynamic change of IL-8 level in gingival crevicular fluid of porcelain teeth with two kinds of alloy Relationship between hemorrheology and gingivitis in patients with lacunar infarction

  12. 目的:检测CD14在牙髓和牙龈组织的分布,探讨CD14在牙髓和牙龈炎症过程中的可能作用。

    AIM : To investigate the distribution of CD14 in dental pulp and gingival tissues and possible roles of CD14 in inflammation of these tissues .

  13. 目的:比较慢性牙龈炎、慢性牙周炎患牙治疗前后龈沟液中tPA及PAI活性。

    Objective : To investigate the activity of t-PA and PAI before and after initial periodontal therapy in gingival crevicular fluid from chronic gingivitis and chronic periodontitis .

  14. NovaMin生物活性玻璃离子牙膏抗牙菌斑和牙龈炎的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Dentifrice Containing NovaMin Bioactive Glass Particle on Anti-plaque / Anti-Gingivitis

  15. 牙龈炎局部血流量、血细胞数及龈沟液AST较对照组升高显著(P<0.01)。

    The quantity and cell number of blood flow and the gingival crevicular fluid aspartate aminotransferase ( AST ) levels in model group increased significantly ( P < 0.01 ) compared with control group .

  16. 方法:采用丝线缝扎大鼠牙颈部,辅以高糖饮食造成牙龈炎动物模型,7天后测定牙龈局部血流及龈沟液天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)含量的变化。

    Methods : The gingivitis animal model was made by suturing the neck of rat teeth and fed high sugar . Local blood flow and crevicular fluid aspartate aminotransferase levels were measured on the 7th day after operation .

  17. 结论:Gengigel凝胶辅助洁治术或单独使用Gengigel凝胶对菌斑性牙龈炎均有一定治疗效果。

    Conclusion : Gengigel gel is effective in the treatment of plaque-induced gingivitis .

  18. PAI活性可能抑制了t-PA的活性,提示PAI活性可作为判断牙龈炎症程度较为客观的指标,t-PA活性在判断牙周炎活动期的价值仍需进一步研究。

    This study indicated that the raise of PAI activity may restrain the activity of t-PA in GCF of gingivitis and periodontitis patients . The balance between t-PA and PAI activity in GCF need further research .

  19. 用药前后检查牙龈炎指数(GI)、牙龈出血指数(SBI)、菌斑指数(PLI)作为观察指标。

    The gingival index ( GI ) . Sulcus bleeding index ( SBI ) and dental plague index ( PLI ) were record after or before using . Results : The GI .

  20. 临床观察牙周炎患者96例,结果显示,牙龈炎指数(GI)、龈沟出血指数(SBI)、牙周袋深度(PPD)明显下降,临床疗效满意。

    Ninety six cases with dentoalveolitis were treated with the film , the results showed that the gingivitis index , sulcus gingival bleeding index and peri - odontal pocket depth were markedly decreased , with a fairly curative effects .

  21. 与单纯牙龈炎相比,Ⅱ型糖尿病前期牙龈炎其牙周可疑致病菌的种类和数量尚未发生明显改变,但是不排除Pg、Aa等菌发展为优势菌继续导致牙周炎发生的可能。

    Compared to the simple gingivitis , the kinds and amount of periodontal pathogens of type ⅱ pre-diabetes has not changed significantly , but this does not exclude the development of Pg , Aa become the dominant bacteria and continue to lead to periodontitis . 3 .

  22. 方法采用EBV1和EBV2特异引物的套式聚合酶链反应(nPCR),分别检测65例CP患者、65例牙龈炎患者和24例牙周健康者龈下标本中的EBV1和EBV2。

    Methods Nested PCR ( nPCR ) with EBV-1 or EBV-2 specific primers was used to detect EBV-1 and EBV-2 in the subgingival samples from 65 chronic periodontitis patients , 65 gingivitis patients and 24 periodontal healthy individuals .

  23. 正畸儿童牙龈炎的口腔综合防治

    Comprehensive oral health care on their gingivitis in orthodontic treated patients

  24. 牙龈炎症主要表现在基牙和独立牙。

    Periodontitis was mainly in the abutment teeth and single tooth .

  25. 你也可以有口臭时,你有牙龈炎。

    You can also have bad breath when you have gingivitis .

  26. 无继发龋及牙龈炎形成,是影响前牙美容修复中的重要因素。

    It is important factor that affects anterior dental aesthetic restoration .

  27. 这是这个阶段牙龈炎是最显着的。

    It is this stage that gingivitis is most notable .

  28. 牙周健康状况不良,牙龈炎的患病率高。

    Periodontal condition is not healthy and incidence of gingivitis is high .

  29. 牙龈炎与腔隙性脑梗死血流变学水平关系研究

    Relationship between hemorrheology and gingivitis in patients with lacunar infarction

  30. 您针对牙龈炎或牙周炎治疗过吗?

    Have you ever been treated for gingivitis or periodontitis ?