
  • 网络The Pelvic Girdle
  1. 骨盆带骨由骼骨、坐骨和趾骨组成;

    The pelvic girdle is called the coxae which is formed by the ilium , ischium and pubis .

  2. 附着在与骨盆带上帮助控制运动方向的一对鳍中的一个。

    Either of a pair of fins attached to the pelvic girdle in fishes that help control the direction of movement ; correspond to hind limbs of a land vertebrate .

  3. 妇女骨盆带变形,在以后分娩时会产生困难。

    Deformities of the pelvic girdle in females may lead to difficulties in child-birth many years later .

  4. 后肢骨骼也分为骨盆带骨和游离部骨。

    The bones of the pelvic limb are also divided into the pelvic girdle bones and the mobility part bones .

  5. 方法:对46例骶髂关节半脱位病人的临床特点进行分析,并用理疗、封闭、骨盆带固定、手术融合等方法进行治疗。

    Methods : Analyze the clinical characteristic of 46 cases with subluxation of sacroiliac joint and treated by physical therapy , local block , exo fixation and joint fusion .

  6. 骨盆兜带可作为一个临时治疗措施来协助复位,以防止骨折后出血,并利于复苏。

    A pelvic sling may be used as a temporary measure to assist in reduction in order to prevent fracture bleeding and resuscitation .