
ɡǔ pí zhì
  • cortical bone
  1. 而骨皮质厚度侧明显变薄(P<0.01)。

    But the thickness of distal radial cortical bone decreased remarkedly ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  2. CT及病理所见证实该瘤x线上所显示的病灶内不规则增密影是骨皮质破坏不均的反映。

    It was found that the irregular shadows of increased density in the tumor seen on radiograph was the result of ir-regular destruction of cortical bone .

  3. B组29例患者均采取3层骨皮质固定。

    The patients in Group B were fixed with three layers of cortical bone .

  4. CT表现相似,并且有骨膜反应和骨皮质破坏表现。

    CT demonstrates similar findings , although endosteal changes and cortical penetration are more apparent .

  5. CT特征表现为:(1)局部骨皮质破坏;

    The CT signs included : ( 1 ) Local destruction of the adjacent cortex ;

  6. 骨皮质病变CT诊断价值

    CT Diagnosis of Bony Cortex Lesions

  7. 目的评价纤维性骨皮质缺损的X线与CT诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate X-ray and CT diagnostic value of fibrous cortical defect ( FCD ) .

  8. 纤维性骨皮质缺损的X线与CT诊断

    X-ray and CT Diagnosis of Fibrous Cortical Defect of Bone : An Analysis of 21 Cases

  9. X线平片、CT表现侧重于反映骨皮质破坏的形态,而MRI更能反映骨皮质破坏的病理学基础。

    X-ray plain films and CT mainly demonstrated the morphology of the destruction , while MRI reflected the pathology of it .

  10. MRI检查除骨膜改变外病变尚累及骨皮质和骨髓腔,骨干皮质信号部分消失,髓腔内显示广泛的异常信号。

    MRI examination found that the partial disappearance of cortical signals and the extensive abnormal signals from the marrow cavity .

  11. 类型II:螺钉突破了周围骨皮质,长度小于1/2螺钉直径;

    Type II : Less than ( 1 / 2 ) the diameter of the screw violates the surrounding cortex .

  12. 髋臼后柱骨皮质内斯氏针长度(即逆行拉力螺钉的长度)为(131.2±8.9)mm。

    The mean length of the Steinmann pin in the posterior column ( the mean length of the retrograde lag screw ) was ( 131.2 ± 8.9 ) mm .

  13. 结论束带切除多Z皮瓣缝合同时切开骨膜骨皮质钻孔是治疗该病的良好方法。

    Conclusion It is a good method to treat CCBS using bands excision , multiple Z-shaped skin flap suture , periosteotomy , drilling through cortical bone .

  14. 胫骨髁后缘轴线(PT)由胫骨平台后方内外侧骨皮质表面的连线形成,于胫骨平台关节软骨以远8mm的层面上获得。

    The PT condylar axis was obtained from an axial slice 8 mm distal to the tibial hyaline cartilage surface .

  15. 肌肉MRI结果:①健康对照组:肌肉组织信号为介于骨皮质与皮下脂肪之间的中等强度信号,且较均匀。

    The muscle MRI Results : ① control group : the signal for the muscle tissue between cortical bone and subcutaneous fat between the moderate - intensity and more even signal .

  16. 结论股骨上段骨皮质厚度和Singh指数对老年妇女髋部骨折发生有一定的影响。

    Conclusions Singh index and cortical thickness of proximal femur may be used to predict the occurrence of the hip fracture in elderly women .

  17. 在对骨皮质进行这种外科损伤后RAP加强了组织的重建并且局部软硬组织的改建发生短暂的迸发进而修复。

    Following surgical wounding of cortical bone , RAP potentiates tissue reorganization and healing by way of a transient burst of localized hard and soft tissue remodeling .

  18. 本文采用9具新鲜尸股骨沿着它的内外侧骨皮质粘贴6故应变片,测量股骨近端应变和位移分布,以检验SOA钢板固定粗隆间骨折的效果。

    In this study , we examined the effect of the SOA - plate on strain and displacement in the proximal , femur , using 9 fresh cadaver femora instrumented with six strain gauges along the medial and lateral conices .

  19. X线显示为附着于干骺端骨皮质表面生长的广基性蘑菇状致密肿块影,部分病例于肿块和其下骨皮质间可见狭窄的透亮带,CT证实6例伴有髓内累及(26%)。

    X ray demonstrated a large dense mushroom shaped mass shadow attached to the bone cortex , with a clear lucent zone between the mass and underlying cortex in some cases . CT scanning confirmed the medullary involvement in 6 cases ( 26 % ) .

  20. 结论种植区骨皮质厚度至少应≥2mm,以保证其生物力学的相容性。

    Conclusion In order to obtain the long-term success of implant-prosthesis , the thickness of cortical bone around implants should be at least 2 mm .

  21. 与模型组比较,中药复方大、中、小各剂量组胫骨干的骺端骺板和骺板下3mm处的骨皮质厚度均有不同程度的增加(P0.01或P0.05);

    All the three doses groups of the prescription could increase cortex at either epiphyseal plate of tibial shaft or 3 mm under it ( P0.01 or P0.05 ) compared with the tail suspended group .

  22. 股骨小转子复位固定器的应用,最大限度地恢复了股骨近端后内侧骨皮质的连续性,扩大了DHS治疗股骨转子间骨折的适用范围。

    Using the lesser trochanteric reduction fixation system can restore the continuity of the medial cortex in maximum and expand the range of dynamical hip screw treatment in intertrochanteric fractures .

  23. 动物实验研究发现大鼠去势(OVX,ovariectomy)诱导的雌激素缺乏可引起下颌骨密度降低、下颌骨骨皮质变薄及牙槽骨吸收。

    Animal experiments with ovariectomized ( OVX ) rats also demonstrated that estrogen deficiency may result in low mineral density of mandible , thin cortex of mandibular body , and resorption of alveolar bone .

  24. 结果:1.超声能显示颌骨骨皮质破坏的范围,最小病变检出范围为0.3cm;

    Results : 1 Ultrasound demonstrated the destroyed bone cortex , the minimal lesion of which is 0 3cm ;

  25. 基底部及骨干骨皮质溶骨性破坏,骨膜出现放射状骨针及Codman三角;

    The osteolytic destruction of the bone cortex of basal part and diaphysis , radioactive bone spicule and Codman triangle in the periosteum ;

  26. 骨皮质厚度:屈侧最厚,内、外两侧次之,伸侧最薄,平均1.2mm;

    The thickness of 2 lateral sides was between the 2 extremes above . The average thickness of cortical bone was 1.2 mm .

  27. 另将肿瘤累及骨髓部位制作大切片,观察到肉瘤组织通过骨皮质Volkman管进入骨髓腔。

    In addition , large section of the part of medullary involvement by tumor was made , which showed that sarcoma tissue entered the medullary cavity through Volkman 's canel of bone cortex .

  28. 甲状腺功能低下的骨皮质X线分析

    Measurement of youngsters ' bone cortical thickness in normal and hypothyroidism

  29. 下颌骨单侧骨皮质牵引的实验研究

    Experimental study of distraction osteogenesis in mandibular lateral cortical bone

  30. 纤维性骨皮质缺损的影像诊断

    Diagnosis of fibrous cortical defect of the bones with various imaging modalities