
mǎ bù
  • Horse Step;pas de cheval
马步 [mǎ bù]
  • [pas de cheval] 像马步似的芭蕾舞步

马步[mǎ bù]
  1. 求马步图Hamilton圈的最优算法

    An Optimal Algorithm for Searching a Hamilton Cycle of the Knight Tour Problem

  2. 给出了角上有两个洞的4×n(n≥4)棋盘中的马步哈密顿圈的解。

    The solutions to the knight 's circuit problem in the 4 × n ( n ≥ 4 ) chessboard with two holes are given in this paper .

  3. 本文对骑士巡游问题进行了研究,提出了求棋盘马步图的Hamilton圈的分治-回溯-合并算法,其时间复杂度是O(n2)。

    This paper discusses the knight tour problem . A divide & conquer backtracking merge algorithm is presented for searching the Hamilton cycles of the problem . Its time complexity is O ( n 2 ) .

  4. 马步,顾名思义,这个步法就像骑着一匹马。

    The " Ma Bu " or Horse Stance just look like riding on a horse .

  5. 柯利马步很稳,蓄势待发。

    Curley was balanced and poised .

  6. 武术套路中旋风脚转体720°接马步动作踏跳阶段的生物力学分析

    Biomechanical Analysis of Take-off Stage of Tornado Kick Turn 720 ° to Horse Step in Wushu Routine

  7. 轻松步法轻松的步法,尤指马步他开始笑起来,轻轻松松地。

    An easy gait , especially that of a horse . He began to laugh , loosely .

  8. 5.蹲马步

    Step 5 Perform a squat

  9. 用跳马步系列研究奇素数阶规则完美幻方的个数

    Using " diagonal-jumping system " in the research of the number of odd prime number order regular pandiagonal magic square

  10. 每个人都想成为大师,大师们都是从反复练习扎马步开始的,一些人也因为枯燥无味而泪如雨下。

    Everyone wants to be a master , but mastery takes practice and that just bores some folks to tears .

  11. 竞技武术南拳套路难度动作旋风脚720°接马步的分析与研究

    Analysis of and Research into the Difficult Exercise Ma Step after Whirlwind Leg 720 ° of Southern style Boxing in Athletics Wushu

  12. 竞技武术套路旋风脚720°+马步动作的肌电特征研究

    Research on EMG Signal Feature of the Movement of " Tornado Kick Turn 720 ° to Horse Step " in Competitive Wushu Routine

  13. 坐在椅子上的时候,假装你坐在凳子上,其实在蹲马步,站起来的时候别用手。

    At your desk chair , pretend you 're going to sit but don 't & stop and come back up without using your arms .

  14. 存在的荒诞和虚无的实有&马步升短篇小说《鱼蛋蛋的革命行动》的叙事分析

    The pursuit for the existence and the absurdity of destiny & Narrative analysis of Yu Dandan 's Revolutionary Action , a short novel by MA Bu-sheng

  15. 常见的动作有:缠手,压掌,崩拳,抢手,弓步,马步,蹲步。

    Frequently used techniques are twisting hand , pressing palm , rebounding fist , snatch , moving in forward lunge , horse stance , and crouching step .

  16. 「蹲马步!蹲马步!」一名女警吆喝。「手举高!」马克对珍妮狂热追求,一下就赢得了她的芳心。

    " Do your squat ! Do your squat !" the policewoman barked . " Arms up !" Mark gave Jane so much attention that he took her by storm .

  17. 运用运动生物力学影像解析法,对武术套路中旋风脚转体720°接马步动作踏跳阶段技术进行三维立体分析。

    It used the analytic method of sports biomechanical photographs to make a three dimensional analysis of the technique in the take-off stage of tornado kick turn 720 ° to horse step .

  18. 它大约产生于公元六世纪的拜占庭,十三世纪,佛罗伦萨画家契马步埃将这种技法传播到意大利。

    It probably evolves from Byzantine of the sixth century , probably in the 13th century , Florence painter contract horse-ride step angstrom propagates this kind of skill and technique to Italy .

  19. 够了,别再蹲马步了我快被烦死了,我真的已经受够了,你们两个都不准参加晚会。

    Okay , okay . Enough , enough with the lunging . No ! I 'm sick of this . Okay . I 've had it up to here with you two ! Neither you can come to the party !