
  • 网络Falklands War;Falkland Islands
  1. 1982年英阿马岛战争在这个领域为世人提供了一个值得借鉴的案例。

    In1982 , the UK-Argentina Falklands war has provided the case in this domain that is worthy studying .

  2. 这部新片将重点讲述这位英国前首相光辉政治生涯中的一个重要事件,即1982年与阿根廷的马岛战争(又称“福克兰群岛战争”)。

    The film will focus on one of the former prime minister 's crowning glories , the1982 Falklands War against Argentina .

  3. 撒切尔在海外的其他巨大胜利,还包括1982年的英阿福克兰群岛战争(Falklandswar,又称马岛战争)。

    Her other great success abroad was in the Falklands War against Argentina , which invaded the islands in 1982 .

  4. 很多人认为,安德鲁王子(PrinceAndrew)2001年离开皇家海军是他最近几年诸多问题缠身的开端。而他在皇家海军那会,有着出众的事业,包括参加马岛战争。

    Many believe Prince Andrew 's decision to leave the Royal Navy in 2001 - where he had enjoyed a distinguished career , including a spell in the Falklands - signalled the beginning of the many problems that have dogged him in recent years .

  5. 单兵便携式防空系统(MANPADS)在马岛战争和阿富汗战场上发挥了重要作用,被认为是对付低空威胁的有效武器系统。本文对MANPADS的发展及用途进行了论述,并介绍了几种MANPADS系统。

    MANPADS played a great role in the Falkland conflict and the war in Afghanistan , they are the effective weapon systems against the low-level air threat . This paper des-cribes the development and uses of MANPADS , and also gives a brief introduction of a few examples .

  6. 在过去的英阿马岛战争和科索沃战争中已多有证明。

    In the past Malvinas Islands War and the Kosovo War has been more than a proof .

  7. 在马岛战争中,美国答应英军使用其军用卫星。

    In Malvinas War , the United States allowed the British Forces to use its military satellites .

  8. 现年61岁的斯特里普将主演电影《铁娘子》。该片以追忆1982年的马岛战争始末为主题。

    The61-year-old2-time Oscar winner will star in The Iron Lady , a film that recalls the days leading up to the1982 Falklands War .

  9. 本文从分析马岛战争中英军交通运输保障的经验入手,着重对我军在未来渡海登岛作战中的运力动员、交通战备、海上交通线斗争等问题进行了探讨。

    This article analyses the experience of the British Army , with emphasis laid on the problems in cross-channel operations for our army .

  10. 1982年马岛战争之后,两国在1986年世界杯1/4决赛时狭路相逢。

    After the two nations fought each other in the 1982 Falklands War , they came face-to-face in a 1986 World Cup quarter final .

  11. 这就意味着,威廉王子将继承叔叔安德鲁王子的“事业”。安德鲁王子在1982年的马岛战争中就是一名救援飞行员,当时他驾驶的也是海王直升机。

    It means he will follow a similar career to that of his uncle , Prince Andrew , who was a Sea King helicopter pilot during the1982 Falklands war .

  12. 在1982年英阿马岛战争中,英国海军能够在短时间内为军事支援角色征用和改装很多的商船。

    During the1982 Falklands War , the Royal Navy was able to draft and convert a large number of merchant ships for military support roles within a short period of time .

  13. 这18个月真是受够了,他不时要投入军控的繁重工作、多轮穿梭外交,1982年还要避免爆发马岛战争。

    Eighteen months of this , though punctuated by hard work on arms control and a valiant bout of shuttle diplomacy , in 1982 , to try to avert the Falklands war , were more than enough .

  14. 无论(活动)模式如何,这也不是马岛(战争时期)的英国。

    Whatever the model is , it is not Falklands Britain .