
  • 网络The Scout Association of Hong Kong
  1. 请留意,此网站纯为自发的创立,并不是任何属于香港童军总会。

    Please be reminded that this is not an official web site of Scout Association of Hong Kong but rather a voluntary set up .

  2. 若本人在日后被判定任何刑事罪行,本人保证必立刻将实情向香港童军总会总部申报。

    Should I be convict of any criminal offence in future , I undertake to notify the Headquarters of the Scout Association of Hong Kong forthwith immediately after such conviction .

  3. 书院与香港童军总会合作,于本学年推出四个工作坊,供学生参加。活动目标旨在让同学体验旅团生活的乐趣,并培养同学成为未来的社会服务型领袖。

    The College and the Hong Kong Scout Association jointly introduce four workshops in this academic year , which aims at providing an experience of Scout way and training of social leaders .