
  • 网络Customs and Excise Service;Hong Kong Customs;C&ED;HK CUSTOMS
  1. 除在香港海关人员的监督下,不得开启盛载应课税货品的容器,但如总监就任何个别情况给予准许则除外。

    No container of dutiable goods shall be opened except under the supervision of a member of the customs and Excise Service unless the Commissioner gives permission to the contrary in any particular case .

  2. 香港海关将会继续在这方面担当其角色。

    Hong Kong Customs will continue to play its part

  3. 行动安全及战术训练课程〔香港海关〕

    Operational Safety and Tactics Training Course [ Customs and Excise Department ]

  4. 年内,香港海关实施了3个主要的电脑系统。

    Three major computer systems were implemented during the year .

  5. 轻机枪训练课程〔香港海关〕

    Sub-machine Gun Training Course [ Customs and Excise Department ]

  6. 急救进修、伤者运送及处理课程〔香港海关〕

    First Aid Refresher and Casualty Handling Course [ Customs and Excise Department ]

  7. 目的港码头完税交货价行政及税务处〔香港海关〕

    Ex Dock Duty Paid Administration and Excise Branch [ Customs and Excise Department ]

  8. 资讯科技在香港海关的行政及调查工作中发挥重要的作用。

    Information technology plays an important part in the department 's administrative and investigative functions .

  9. 香港海关继续全力支持亚太区海关合作。

    The department continued to offer strong support for customs co-operation in the Asia Pacific Region .

  10. 香港海关缴获两集装箱象牙,价值约350万美金。

    Officials in Hong Kong confiscated two large shipping containers of illegal ivory worth approximately 3.5 million dollars .

  11. 柴油管制组〔香港海关〕香港消防处救护主任协会

    Diesel Oil Enforcement Division [ Customs and Excise Department ] Hong Kong Fire Services Department Ambulance Officers Association

  12. 香港海关也参与亚太经合组织辖下的海关程序小组委员会的事务。

    The department also participated in the work of the Subcommittee on Customs Procedures ( SCCP ) of APEC .

  13. 香港海关现正准备将沙头角管制站的开放时间延长两小时。

    Preparations are well advanced to extend the opening hours at Sha Tau Kok Control Point by two hours .

  14. 香港海关与区内成员合力制定了二零零一年及二零零二年的地区策略纲领。

    The department , in collaboration with the regional members , devised a two-year Regional Strategic Plan for 2001 and 2002 .

  15. 而香港海关也会出面监督商家,并且会在游客之间散发传单来提高安全保障。

    Hong Kong customs will also step up monitoring at shops and send out flyers to promote safety measures among tourists .

  16. 香港海关本周破获大案,截获了价值约350万美元的象牙及象牙饰品。

    Customs officials in HongKong uncovered a major fine this week , nearly $ 3.5 million in illegal ivory tusks and ornaments .

  17. 香港海关负责征收4类应课税品的税项,计为含酒精饮料、烟草、碳氢油类及甲醇酒精。

    The department collects revenue from four categories of dutiable commodities : alcoholic beverages , tobacco , hydrocarbon oil and methyl alcohol .

  18. 香港海关积极参与世界海关组织的工作,同时也是该组织的政策委员会委员。

    The Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department takes part actively in WCO business . It also participates in the organisation 's Policy Commission .

  19. 就在6月初,香港海关已经呼吁市民停用美加净牙膏、田七特效中药牙膏。

    In early June , the Hong Kong Customs has appealed to the public to stop using MAXAM toothpaste , Tianqi magic medicine toothpaste .

  20. 自一九九九年一月起,香港海关借调了一名人员到东京,协助亚太区情报联络中心的运作。

    Since January 1999 , the department has seconded an officer to the Regional Intelligence Liaison Office in Tokyo to assist in its operation .

  21. 此外,香港海关并无监察免税店的销售活动,确保这些商店遵从牌照条例。

    Besides , the customs and Excise Department did not monitor the sales activities at the duty-free shops to ensure compliance with the licence conditions .

  22. 化验所经常为香港海关进行样品测试,根据《进出口(战略物品)规例》,确定样品的类别。

    The laboratory regularly analyses samples submitted from the Customs and Excise Department for classification under the Import and Export ( Strategic Commodities ) Regulations .

  23. 本人谨代表香港海关再次向各位致谢,希望在未来的日子,各位对我们的工作继续提供支持和协助。

    On behalf of Hong Kong Customs , I would like to thank you again and look forward to your continued support and assistance in future .

  24. 香港海关并负责根据《汽车(首次登记税)条例》评定汽车的应课税值,以征收首次登记税。

    The department also assesses the taxable values of motor vehicles under the Motor Vehicles ( First Registration Tax ) Ordinance for the purpose of levying first registration tax .

  25. 自一九九三年三月起,香港海关一直参与贸易及投资委员会和海关程序小组委员会的事务。

    The Customs and Excise Department has been participating in the Committee on Trade and Investment ( CTI ) and the Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures ( SCCP ) since March 1993 .

  26. 香港海关贸易管制处负责执行各项贸易管制制度,包括签发产地来源证、纺织品进出口管制、战略物品管制及进出口报关等制度。

    The trade controls branch of the customs and Excise Department is responsible for enforcing various trade control systems , including the certification of origin system , the textiles import and export control system , the strategic commodities control system and the import and export declaration system .

  27. 外购两种以上酒精生产的白酒,一律从高确定税率征税。香港海关负责征收4类应课税品的税项,计为含酒精饮料、烟草、碳氢油类及甲醇酒精。

    For outside purchased white spirits made from more than two kinds of alcohol , the tax rate used shall be the highest tax rate of the alcohol . The department collects revenue from four categories of dutiable commodities : alcoholic beverages , tobacco , hydrocarbon oil and methyl alcohol .

  28. 在香港,海关人员具备多方面的知识和技能。

    In Hong Kong , the versatility and resourcefulness of Customs officers are taken to such extremes

  29. 探厂行动〔香港及美国海关联合监察活动〕

    Factory visitation programme [ joint monitoring programme by Hong Kong and US Customs ]

  30. 香港政府部门职员会行政及税务处〔香港海关〕

    Hong Kong Government Departments Staff Association Administration and Excise Branch [ Customs and Excise Department ]