
  • 网络IFC;IFC mall;international financial center
  1. 对香港国际金融中心的分析与思考

    Analysis of Hongkong as a International Financial Center

  2. 人民币离岸金融市场的发展会提升香港国际金融中心的地位和实力,但人民币替代港元的可能性依然很低,其对港元的替代条件并不具备。

    The development of CNH will enhance the position and strength of Hong Kong as an international financial center , and there is little possibility of RMB replacing to HK $ .

  3. 七年前,一家名叫泰山石化(TitanPetrochemical)的中国上市能源公司把位于香港国际金融中心的办公室租了出去。

    Seven years ago , a listed Chinese energy company called Titan Petrochemical leased out Hong Kong office space in the landmark two international finance centre .

  4. 这是香港国际金融中心的二期工程,八十八层。

    We are now on the88th floor of the Hong Kong International Finance Center , Phase II .

  5. 第一部分概述了香港国际金融中心的崛起和现状,探讨了她的成因和经验。

    Part I makes a statement on rising and present situation of the international financial centre of Hong Kong and discusses the successful reasons and experience .

  6. 特区政府将致力确保香港国际金融中心的地位,维持金融市场的活力。

    The Government is committed to ensuring that we maintain our status as an international financial centre , as well as the vitality of our financial markets .

  7. 完善的城市整体功能与高度发达的金融业以及令人瞩目的中国因素将支撑香港国际金融中心地位的巩固与提高;

    The perfect urban functions , highly developed financial industry and well knowd " China Factors " will sustain the consolidation and improvement of the international financial centre position of Hongkong ;

  8. 上海今后会成为国际金融中心之一,但不会取代香港国际金融中心的地位。

    From now on , Shanghai will become one of the international financial centers inevitably , but it can 't replace the position of the Hong Kong international financial center in .

  9. 亚洲金融风暴过后,香港国际金融中心地位受到挑战,为迎接知识经济与挑战,香港决定设立自己的第二板市场&创业板市场。

    After the Asian Financial Storm , HK 's position as an international financial center is challenged . In order to meet the knowledge economy and challenge , HK decides to set up its second market .

  10. 从这点来看,建立上海国际金融中心与巩固香港的国际金融中心地位是不冲突的。

    So , The establishment of Shanghai international financial center is not in conflict with hongkong .

  11. 此外,我们也会努力巩固香港作为国际金融中心和国际大都会的地位。

    We will strive to affirm Hong Kong 's position as an international financial centre and ' .

  12. 香港是国际金融中心,由紧密联系的金融机构和市场组成。

    HONG KONG is an international financial centre with an integrated network of financial institutions and markets .

  13. 政府致力维持并加强香港作为国际金融中心的地位。

    The Government is determined to maintain and strengthen Hong Kong 's status as a leading international financial centre .

  14. 这些都有利于巩固和发展香港的国际金融中心地位。

    I believe these measures will further consolidate and develop Hong Kong 's status as an international financial center .

  15. 香港是国际金融中心,也是内地与世界接轨的平台。

    Hong Kong is an international financial centre and also a platform for the mainland with the rest of the world .

  16. 周行长是就维持香港的国际金融中心地位,提出与时俱进的意见的。

    The move with the times comment was made by Governor Zhou in relation to maintaining the status of Hong Kong as an international financial centre .

  17. 他们的行为亦扰乱信用卡运作机制,并影响香港作为国际金融中心的声誉。

    The judge added that the defendants acts were prejudicial to the credit card system , and impaired the image of Hong Kong as an international financial centre .

  18. 这不仅有利于人民币债券发行的多元化并深化本地债券市场,同时也将强化香港作为国际金融中心的地位。

    It not only helps diversify the renminbi bond offerings and deepen the local bond market but also strengthens Hong Kong 's position as an international financial centre .

  19. 香港是国际金融中心,有大的资金流量,所产生的波幅会吸引试图赚快钱的大国际资金。

    Hong Kong is an international financial centre with large capital flows , generating a volatility that itself attracts enormous amounts of international capital looking for a quick return .

  20. 研究的目标是要增强香港作为国际金融中心的竞争力,以求减少风险、提升效率及减低成本。

    The objective of the study is to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong as an international financial centre in terms of risk mitigation , increased efficiency and cost reduction .

  21. 我们将继续增强香港作为国际金融中心的优势,提高市场品质和竞争力,吸引更多的国际人才、资金和金融机构及产品。

    We will continue to build on our strength as an international financial centre and enhance the quality and competitiveness of our market to attract and anchor international talent , capital , financial institutions and products .

  22. 香港作为国际金融中心,又拥有这良好的地理位置,并多年保持着与内地的贸易合作以及金融合作,是人民币离岸金融市场的最佳选择。

    Hong Kong as an international financial center , has a good location , and for many years maintained a trade cooperation and financial cooperation with the Mainland , is the best choice of the offshore financial market .

  23. 发展安全及有效率的金融基建,对香港这样的国际金融中心来说尤其重要。

    Having a safe and efficient financial infrastructure is vital to an international financial centre like Hong kong .

  24. 蔡冠深说正是这样的保证,才巩固了香港作为国际金融贸易中心的地位。

    Choi says it 's that pledge which has helped cement Hong Kong 's status as an international financial and trade center .

  25. 本章在界定了国际金融中心的概念、阐述了其内涵和标志之后,简要介绍了伦敦、纽约、新加坡和香港四个国际金融中心的发展历程及启示。

    After defining the conception , expounding the connotation and the symbol of international financial center , this chapter introduces the development of international financial centers by taking four international financial centers London , Now York , Singapore and Hong Kong as examples .

  26. 香港是一个国际金融中心,也是一个资讯中心。

    Hong Kong is an international financial centre as well as an information centre .

  27. 香港是名不虚传的国际金融中心。

    Hong Kong is an international financial center that is worth of the name .

  28. 香港作为一个国际金融中心,切实体现了这种合作精神。

    As an international financial centre , Hong Kong is a living symbol of that cooperation .

  29. 香港以身为领先国际金融中心为傲,但这里也隐藏着董事会诡计和可疑交易。

    Hong Kong takes pride in being a leading international financial centre , but it has its share of boardroom shenanigans and dubious dealings it would rather keep hidden .

  30. 香港作为亚洲与国际金融中心,拥有成熟完善、国际化程度高的资本市场,因此大批内地企业纷至香港上市。

    As one of the regional and global financial centers , Hong Kong has well-developed and internationalized capital market and makes it the first priority to those companies for foreign listing .