
  1. 飘柔的广告语就是,走出漂亮的每一天。

    And the slogan of Rejoice is Step out beautiful everyday .

  2. 洗护二合一将会是飘柔推出的产品中新的功能。

    Wash protect furniture will be pushed off as a new function in Rejoice series .

  3. 通过广告,我们了解到可以用飘柔洗发水抑制头屑。

    By advertisements , we know that we can use Rejoice shampoo to prevent dandruff .

  4. 拉登甩了甩齐胸的胡子,阴森地笑了,说:飘柔,就是这样自信!

    Bin Laden Shuaileshuai chest mustache , the ghastly smile , and said : REJOICE , it is this self-confidence !

  5. 传说21岁的格格今夏将要离队,但是霍老大表示,飘柔哥不会走。

    The21-year-old has been tipped to leave Anfield this summer , but Hodgson is adamant that Ngog will not be leaving the club .

  6. 当前的洗发精市场充斥着各种各样的品牌,像飘柔、旁氏等优质产品很容易买到。

    The current market is flooded with various shampoo brands , such as Rejoice , Pond 's and other quality products are easy to buy .

  7. 本文在查阅大量关于基于顾客的品牌权益评估的相关文献的基础上,采用实证研究方法,以飘柔洗发水为例,探讨了基于顾客的品牌权益的影响要素以及要素的各种作用。

    Related literatures , the factors of customer-based brand equity and their relations will be studied in this thesis through the demonstration of a shampoo brand .

  8. 这些品牌包括象汰渍,碧浪,佳洁士,飘柔,海飞丝,潘婷,沙宣,舒肤佳,护舒宝,品客,帮宝适和玉兰油等。

    These brands include Tide , Ariel , Crest , Rejoice , Head & Shoulders , Pantene Pro-V , Vidal Sassoon , Safeguard , Whisper , Pringles , Pampers and Oil of Olay .