
fēng kǒu
  • tuyere;air port;wind gap;a place where is a draught;a place where there is a draught
风口 [fēng kǒu]
  • (1) [wind gap]∶山岭顶部的凹口

  • (2) [air port]∶进出空气的一个穴孔

  • (3) [a place where is a draught]∶遮蔽物的缺口刮风时比两旁风大,叫“风口”

  • (4) [tuyere]∶锅炉分层炉篦区间的风门或通气口

风口[fēng kǒu]
  1. 沙质海岸风口地段建立防护林关键技术研究

    Key Technology of Establishing Protection Forest at Wind Gap District of the Sandiness Shore

  2. 海岸带沙质风口建立防护林关键技术与成本分析

    Key Technology and Cost Analysis of Establishing Protection Forest in Wind Gap on Coastal Shore

  3. 大量蒸汽从机器前部的排风口冒了出来。

    Quite a lot of steam escaped from the vent at the front of the machine

  4. 她坐在风口上,着凉了。

    She sat in a draught and caught a cold .

  5. 别站在风口上,小心着凉。

    Don 't stand in the draught . You may catch cold .

  6. 校外培训不是逐利的风口,不是圈钱的工具,不能无序发展,不能盲目扩张。

    The tutoring industry should not develop for profiteering , and disorderly expansion should be forestalled .

  7. 我想站在“互联网+”的风口上顺势而为,会使中国经济飞起来。

    I believe with the tail wind generated by our Internet Plus strategy , we will be able to bring Chinese economy off to a new level .

  8. 高炉风口CCD成像监测系统的研制

    CCD-based Imaging and Monitoring System in the Raceway of Blast Furnace

  9. X射线衍射法测定高炉风口平面径向温度分布

    Determination of Radial Temperature Distribution on the Tuyere Plane in Blast Furnace by Means of XRD

  10. W型新结构风口小套在128m~3高炉上的作用

    The Application of W New Type Structure Tuyere Small Sleeve in 128m 3 BF

  11. 风口非对称布置排烟隧道耦合烟控参数CFD寻优分析

    CFD Optimization on Coupling Smoke Control Parameters in Tunnel with Non-symmetry-laid Damper

  12. 运用CFD技术进行二段往复炉排焚烧炉二次风口的辅助设计

    Secondary air gates aided design of the two-stage reciprocating grate incinerator with CFD technology

  13. 介绍了DY型风口的结构及射流特性。

    The structure of DY type outlet and its jet performance was described .

  14. C展厅采用旋流风口与球型风口送风相结合的送风方式。空调系统采用BA控制,对冷水系统、冷却水系统、新风机组、空气处理机及排风系统进行自动控制。

    The air conditioning system adopts BA control system automatically controlling the chilled water system , cooling water system , air handling units and exhaust systems etc.

  15. 结合原型实验和CFD模拟,对新型列车风道风口的送风特性进行了研究。

    Based on the prototype experiment and CFD simulation , investigates air supply characteristics of the outlet of this kind of duct .

  16. CO2等气态污染物在送风口终端与房间中央的浓度差异应取决于新风量的大小。

    The concentration difference of gaseous pollutant ( CO_2 ) at room vent and room central was depended on the quantity of new air current .

  17. 攀钢2000m~3高炉风口回旋区特征的研究

    Investigation of Tuyere Raceway of BF 2000m ~ 3 for PISC

  18. 对可能产生有毒气体的GIS室设正常通风和事故通风系统,房间上、下部均设排风口。

    The mechanical ventilation and the emergency ventilation are used for the GIS room which can produce harmful gases , and installs outlets at the upper and under parts of the room .

  19. 采用CFD技术分析了等温情况下环形风口排风罩和传统伞形排风罩排气气流特性。

    With the CFD technology , the airflow characteristic on loop outlet exhaust hood and the traditional canopy exhaust hood was analyzed under the isothermal condition .

  20. VRV空调;气流组织;厨房通风;风口结露;

    VRV air-condition ; air distribution ; ventilation of kitchen ; condensation of air opening ;

  21. 通过计算流体力学软件FLUENT,确定了立管最佳出风口参数,模拟了喷头雾化场,确定自然风对该机喷雾影响。

    By calculation the fluid dynamics software FLUENT riser outlet parameters , simulating of the nozzle spray field to determine the impact of natural wind on the aircraft spray .

  22. 为了延长高炉风口衬套的使用寿命,采用SEM,XRD和实验手段,研究宝钢现用风口衬套的侵蚀机理。

    In order to prolong working life of the lining sleeve for the blast furnace tuyere , the corrosion mechanism of lining sleeve was studied by the methods of SEM , XRD and oxidation at high temperature .

  23. 测试了各空气处理机组合送回风口的风量、风速及送风温度;测试了商场内空气温度、气流速度及CO2浓度分布情况;

    We tested the airflow quantity and velocity at supply air outlet and return air inlet of every air handling unit , and also tested the air temperature 、 airflow velocity and CO_2 density distribution in the space of shopping center .

  24. 结果表明,各风口风量的测试值与设计计算值的最大偏差为6%,与CFD模拟结果的最大偏差为9%,满足风量的设计要求。

    The test result shows that the maximum deviation value of all openings air volume is 6 % compared with the calculated value , and is 9 % compared with the CFD simulation . The design of air volume is met .

  25. 利用Fluent求解器对超市实际的气流组织进行模拟,分析得出超市室内冷热不均问题的原因主要是室内人员不均匀分布和空调系统均匀送风的矛盾以及排风口布置不合理。

    Stimulate the air distribution in supermarket by Fluent solver and after analysis find the main reasons for uneven cold and hot are contradiction between the uneven distribution of consumer and the uniform air supply and the unreasonable layout of air outlet .

  26. 她是二十年来首位掌管公司的产品工程师,各种建议势必将纷至沓来,令人应接不暇。这些建议小到新皮卡上的空调出风口,大到别克(Buick)和雪佛兰(Chevrolet)这些品牌的前景,无所不包。

    As the first product engineer to head the company in two decades , she will be deluged with suggestions about everything from air conditioning vents in new pickups to the future of brands like Buick and Chevrolet .

  27. 结合8个典型算例,对检修库内空气速度分布、温度分布、热舒适度指标PMV分布及列车表面的热流密度进行了模拟,确定了合理的送风口位置和最佳的送风参数。

    Based on eight typical cases , simulates the air velocity distribution , air temperature distribution , PMV distribution and heat flux density through the train surface , and finds proper locations of air supply inlet and optimal air supply parameters .

  28. 济钢第三炼钢厂120t转炉采用顶底复吹冶炼技术,底吹系统应用LD-KGC弱搅拌供气系统,采用集管式风口砖,氮气和氩气为底吹搅拌气体。

    The 120t converter in Jigang adopts top-bottom blowing technology , and the bottom blowing system adopts LD-KGC weak stirring system feeding N_ ( 2 ) and O_ ( 2 ) with manifold tuyere brick .

  29. 应用CFX虚拟软件对数学模型进行了数值分析,并应用CFX的三维可视化数据处理能力,分别对通过高炉风口轴线的回旋区水平截面气体速度、颗粒速度、气体压力等进行了研究分析。

    The numerical simulation of the mathematical model has been completed by using the CFX software . Appling the three-dimensional data visualization ability of CFX , The distributions of gas velocity , particle velocity and fluid pressure in the horizontal section through BF tuyere axes had been analyzed .

  30. 采用L9(34)正交表安排实验,最后优选的条件为:浸膏的密度控制在1.15g·mL-1,浸膏的进料速度为30mL·min-1,进风口的温度控制在180℃,达到制粒要求。

    With L9 ( 34 ) orthogonal experimental table arrangements for the final optimal conditions : the density of extract was 1.15 g · mL-1 , the feed rate of 30 mL · min-1 , inlet temperature controlled at 180 ℃, as to achieve granulation requirements .