
  • 网络Precautionary Saving Theory
  1. 多数研究发现,预防性储蓄理论能很好地解释高储蓄低消费现象。

    Most studies found that precautionary saving theory can explain low consumption but high savings phenomenon very well .

  2. 预期在消费函数理论方面具有重要地位,从凯恩斯的绝对收入假说到弗里德曼的持久收入假说到预防性储蓄理论,所有的这些消费函数理论都是基于不同的预期模式而展开的。

    From Keynesian 's absolute income hypothesis to Friedman 's permanent income hypothesis to precautionary saving theory , all of those consumer 's theories based on different consumer expectation pattern .

  3. 预防性储蓄理论认为不确定性对居民消费有负效应。

    Precaution saving theory suggests that uncertainty have a negative effect on consumption .

  4. 本文首先对西方储蓄理论进行简要概述,主要介绍了传统储蓄理论及预防性储蓄理论;

    Firstly , this text mainly carries on the brief summary of traditional savings theory and precautionary savings theory ;

  5. 制度变迁、不确定性与城镇居民消费&基于预防性储蓄理论的分析

    Institutional Reform , Uncertainty and Urban Residents ' Consumption & An Analysis Based on the Theory of Precautionary Saving

  6. 笔者以预防性储蓄理论为突破口,将城乡居民消费行为放在同一个理论框架中进行对比研究。

    Based on the theory of precautionary savings , the authors make a comparative study of the consumption behavior of urban and rural residents in the same framework .

  7. 自从世界各国的经济学家研究预防性储蓄理论开始,预防性储蓄理论就成为了研究居民消费和储蓄行为的一个重要分支。

    Ever since economists began to study the theory of precautionary savings , it has been an important branch of researching the consumption and savings behavior of inhabitants .

  8. 我国学者利用西方的消费理论对这种现象进行了研究,尤其近几年以预防性储蓄理论进行研究的较多。

    The Chinese researchers has studied this phenomena by means of the western consumption theory . These years more and more researchers use the theory of precautionary saving to study this issue .

  9. 预防性储蓄理论是西方新近发展的储蓄理论,它主要研究不确定情况下居民的储蓄行为,是对传统储蓄理论的重要拓展。

    A newly developed western savings theory & Precautionary Savings Theory , which mainly dwells on residents ' savings behavior under uncertain conditions , is a great expansion of the traditional savings theory .

  10. 预防性储蓄理论主要是研究不确定性对消费行为的影响,而预防性储蓄实证研究应先找到研究对象而言可以观察的、因人而异的内生性风险。

    The precautionary saving theory focuses on studying the influence on the uncertainty to consumption . It is recognized for empirical studies of precautionary saving that the scholar should find observational endogenetic risk for studying objective firstly .

  11. 第二部分是文献综述,具体介绍了预防性储蓄理论,该理论为本文的写作基础,除了理论本身,这一部分还对该理论在国内的主要应用做了简要介绍。

    The second chapter is the literature review , it introduces the precautionary saving theory concretely , which is the theoretical basis of this essay . Besides , there are some introduction about the applications of this theory .

  12. 本文借鉴西方预防性储蓄理论,结合上海城市化率很高这一特点,分析预防性储蓄动机收入和支出两种不确定性对上海城市居民消费行为的影响。

    The research of this paper is based on the theories of the precautionary savings . Considering the high urbanization of Shanghai , We attempt to find the influence income uncertainty and expenditure uncertainty brings to shanghai residents respectively .

  13. 我国居民预防性储蓄的理论分析与实证检验

    A Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Tests of the Precautionary Savings of Chinese Residents

  14. 在近20年的几次大论战中,出现了理性预期消费函数理论、预防性储蓄消费函数理论、行为生命周期理论等主流思想。

    In the several controversies during recent twenty years , there have emerged some main ideas such as rational expectation consumption function theory , buffer-stock saving consumption function , life cycle theory .

  15. 而我国对社会保障和居民消费之间关系的研究还处于逐步完善的阶段,现在国内学者对两者关系的研究大多是停留在运用生命周期以及预防性储蓄来进行理论研究。

    While the research on the relationship between social security and the residents ' consumption is gradually perfect in china , now we usually study the relationship between social security and the residents ' consumption using life cycle and precautionary saving theory .