
  • 网络Project Cost Estimate
  1. 在对基于RUP的软件项目成本估算模型进行研究的基础上,本文设计并实现了基于RUP的软件项目成本管理系统。

    This paper describes the software project cost estimate model based on RUP . Based on the survey , a software project cost management system is designed and realized .

  2. 考虑管理弹性的项目成本估算方法

    Method of Project Cost Estimate with Regard to Managerial Flexibility

  3. 路桥项目成本估算与控制方法探析

    Method of Cost Estimating and Controlling for Road and Bridge Project

  4. 某局网上审批系统项目成本估算研究

    Research on Software Project Cost Estimates of Online Examination and Approval System

  5. 通过对软件项目成本估算方法的分析,提出改进思想。

    This master dissertation analyzes software project cost estimation method , and gives improvement idea .

  6. 一种改进的软件项目成本估算方法

    An Improving Software Project Cost Estimation Way

  7. 它包括三方面的活动:项目成本估算、项目预算编制和项目成本控制。

    It includes three activities : project cost estimates , project budgeting and project cost control .

  8. 为了应付不可预见事件和由此产生的成本,通常在项目成本估算中要安排一定数量的储备金。

    These allowances are included in project cost estimates to accommodate unforeseen events and the resulting costs .

  9. 例如,大量的工作用来为软件项目成本估算产生有效和可靠的数据。

    For example , a great deal of effort is put into producing valid and reliable data for software project cost estimates .

  10. 作者以这些方法为基础,提出了一套适合我国中小型软件企业的比较实用的软件项目成本估算方法。

    The author based on these methods , puts forward a set of suitable for the Chinese small and medium-sized software enterprises more practical software project cost estimation method .

  11. 项目成本估算是项目投标决策的核心工作和重要内容,传统的评价方法有平均值法和微积分法,但是这些方法存在一定的缺陷。

    Project cost evaluation is an important content and pivotal work of project bid decision . The average method and calculus method are most common traditional ones , they have intrinsic disadvantages of themselves .

  12. 在软件项目成本估算方面,考虑到普遍使用的功能点度量法不能很好适应所有项目类型的估算,对功能点度量法在控制软件中的使用提出了改进;

    In the aspect of software project 's cost accounting , considering that measurement standard of functional point in general use can 't adapt to estimation of all sorts of projects , the author has improved the usage in controlling software of measurement standard of functional point .

  13. 软件开发项目成本的估算,对一个软件专案项目的成功与否,是个非常重要的因素。

    An evaluation of the development of cost on a software project is a key element to its success .

  14. 对税收递延项目的成本估算,可以按收入放弃法原理计算损失的利息,也可以考虑引入现值法的做法。

    The cost estimate of tax deferred items can be implemented to measure loss interests by either the revenue forgone approach or present value approach .

  15. 运用系统动力学模型进行项目时间/成本估算

    Application of system dynamics model in project time and cost estimate

  16. 软件项目开发成本的估算对软件开发项目的成功与否有着至关重要的影响。

    An evaluation of the development costs on a software project is a key element to its success .

  17. 其次,本文针对软件项目管理中的成本估算,研究了成本估算的过程、策略和估算方法,并在COCOMO模型基础上,考虑代码重用和软件再工程等因素,提出了改进的COCOM0模型算法;

    Next , the process , strategy and methods of cost estimation are studied and based on COCOMO model a better COCOMO model has been presented considering code reuse . Moreover the function of software cost estimation module has been implemented ;

  18. 软件项目管理中的成本估算

    Cost Estimation of Software Project Management

  19. 主要介绍了运用单位法、体积法、单位面积法及分部分项法对建筑工程项目的成本进行正确估算,并运用适当的策略和经验,使企业获得最大的中标可能和利润。

    In this article , the author introduces the methods of calculating accurately the cost of construction item by the unit method , the volume method the unit area method , and stored project method , for winning the contract and gaining profit .

  20. 其次是对变压器项目招投标概论介绍和变压器项目的成本分析估算,为变压器项目的投标成本估算打下基础。

    Secondly , transformer project bidding introduction is introduced . Then cost estimating is studied , which lays a solid foundation for the cost estimating of transformer project .

  21. 实践结果表明,基于RUP的软件项目成本管理系统是指导软件开发机构进行项目成本估算和管理的一个较为有效的工具。

    The practice indicated that the cost management system of software project based on RUP could manage the cost estimate and management more successfully .

  22. 研究了SEEADSS数据库系统设计、模型库系统设计、知识库系统设计和问题处理系统的设计。完成了软件项目可行性分析、软件项目招投标管理、软件项目成本估算和软件项目定价问题的实现工作。

    Deeply study database design , model base design , knowledge base design and problem processing system design .

  23. 第四,给出了该项目的开发设计方案,探讨了该项目的投资、成本估算与资金筹措,以及该项目的经济效益、社会效益及生态效益诸多问题。

    Fourthly , we designed the project 's develop scheme , discussed the investment , cost estimation and raise money for this project , and analyzed the project 's economy benefit , society benefit and zoology benefit .

  24. 然后使用层次分析法进行筛选,去掉对成本影响微乎其微的工作量乘数,得出适用于事业部的整体项目工作量乘数表,从而优化了COCOMOⅡ模型,提高了项目成本估算的准确性。

    Then use the AHP filter and get rid of workload multiplier which has minimal impact on cost , forming the workload multiplier table that is suitable for the overall project . So as to optimize the COCOMO ⅱ model , raising the accuracy of project cost estimate .

  25. 而计划是项目管理的基本组成部分,包括明确项目目标和工作范围。项目成本估算有因素估算法和利用WBS方法的详细估算。

    But the plan is the basic component of project management , including defining the goal working range of project , estimating project cost have estimation may use the computing method and detail computing method of using WBS .

  26. 抓住成本控制中“人”的因素,在给定项目运作方式的基础上,采用反应控制机制,得到更好的项目成本估算,有效地解决项目成本失控问题。

    Through emphasizing the " human " factor in cost control , the paper discusses resolving project cost overrun of a project by applying a reaction control mechanism with the given ways to run the project to develop a better method of project cost estimate .

  27. 对《建设项目经济评价方法与参数》第三版涉及到的有关土地使用权在投资项目经济评价的成本估算中的处理提出了意见和建议。

    This paper gives some comments and suggestions on the processing of land occupancy right in cost estimation of the investment project economic evaluation which involved in The Economic Evaluation Methods and Parameters for Construction Project ( 3rd edition ) .

  28. 另外,如何能够在项目的发起阶段就能够有效的估算项目的整体成本并有效控制成本偏差,对于使用模型项目的实施成本的估算还需要进一步进行讨论及思考。

    In addition , how can the project start-up phase on the project can effectively estimate the overall cost and cost-effective control of partial difference , the use of model for the implementation of the project costing estimate also need to further discuss and consider .

  29. 其次,分析多企业协作项目WBS与CBS分解结构,给出了适用于多企业协作的自底向上合成的成本预算与分配的方法,并提出了基于占用资源的项目成本估算通用模型及算法。

    Basing on the research above , in this paper the cost planning and controlling model of the multi-enterprise cooperative project management is proposed .